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Offline SVG Avatar Generator for Laravel

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Generating SVG avatars on the fly is nothing new. There are tons of free/paid services and packages available to do that. So, why another package for same task?

Well, this one has some subtle but nifty advantages over available packages, here's a few of them:

  • Supports custom font. 🧣
  • Supports gradient background. 🦜
  • Supports random gradients based on defined presets in config. 🦚
  • Multiple shapes: rectangular, rounded-rectangular, or circular. 💎
  • Ability to customize initials and extractor. ✍🏼
  • No external api call is required, it's totally offline. 🛰️
  • Unlike some other available options, doesn't require heavy-weight image processing libraries like Intervention. 🧺
  • Doesn't have any binary dependency, so nothing needs to be installed on server. 🗃️


Laravel PHP SVGAvatarGenerator
11.x >=8.2 2.x
9.x-10.x >=8.1 1.x


Install the package via composer:

composer require sowrensen/svg-avatar-generator

For older versions:

composer require sowrensen/svg-avatar-generator:^1.0


Breaking change: Named color support, e.g. red, green in foreground and gradient_colors is dropped since version 2.0. If you're using such names in config or in code, you should change them to hexadecimal code or keep using version 1.x releases.

Optionally, you can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="svg-avatar-generator-config"


You should republish the config file after updating.


As model accessor

The usage of this package is stupidly simple. Use the svg-avatar.php config file to set your preferred decoration. Then use the Facade to generate an avatar on the fly. The recommended way to achieve that is defining an accessor in your model:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;

class User extends Model
    public function profilePhoto(): Attribute
        return Attribute::get(function ($value, $attributes) {
            // If profile photo is set, return the original
            if (! is_null($attributes['profile_photo'])) {
                return $attributes['profile_photo'];
            // Else, generate one
            return \Svg::for($attributes['name'])->toUrl();


If your accessor is different from the original attribute, you might want to put it in $appends array so that it loads automatically with your model.

Override default config

If you want you can generate an avatar totally different from your configured style. It has all helpful methods to make that possible:

use Sowren\SvgAvatarGenerator\Facades\Svg;
use Sowren\SvgAvatarGenerator\Enums\FontWeight;

Svg::for('John Doe')
    ->asCircle() // or, asRectangle() along with optional setCornerRadius($radius) method
    ->setGradientColors( // set of 3 different gradients
      ['#4158D0', '#C850C0', '#FFCC70'], 
      ['#00DBDE', '#FC00FF'], 
      ['#FF9A8B', '#FF6A88', '#FF99AC']
    ->setGradientStops(0, .5, 1)

Customize initials

You can define the second initial using studly case. For example,

Provided string Produced initial
John Doe JD
JohnDoe JD
Johndoe JO
JohndoE JE

Customize Extractor

The default initial extractor class produces results shown above. However, if you want something different, you can create your own Extractor class. To do so create a new class that implements Sowren\SvgAvatarGenerator\Extractors\Extractor interface. An ideal place to put this class would be under App\Extractors namespace in your app directory.


namespace App\Extractors;

use Sowren\SvgAvatarGenerator\Extractors\Extractor;

class CustomExtractor implements Extractor
    public function extract(string $text): string
        // Write your custom logic and return initials

After doing that, set the class as default extractor in config.

// ...
'extractor' => App\Extractors\CustomExtractor::class,

Sample Output


Run following command to execute test cases:

composer test


Please see respective CHANGELOG-x.x file for more information on what has changed recently.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.