This docker image is under development and not officialy supported.
The developers of LinuxGSM are not currently docker experts. So if there is someone interested in becoming a LinuxGSM docker developer please contact us.
A docker container distribution of
Run Game Servers in Docker, multiplex multiple LinuxGSM deployments easily by taking advantage of Dockers port mapping.
This will work both on linux and Docker for Windows. With Docker for Windows, skip the first command and make a folder the normal way. When running the container, Docker for Windows may ask for permission to access the folder. Simply allow this action.
$ mkdir -p /path/to/lgsm && sudo chown -R 750:750 /path/to/lgsm
$ docker run --name lgsm-docker --restart always --net=host --hostname LGSM -it -v "/path/to/lgsm:/home/lgsm/" gameservermanagers/linuxgsm-docker