Happy to announce the 5.1.2 release
Release artifacts are available at Maven Central and here (for convenience).
What has changed?
- Upgrade HSQLDB dependency to org.hsqldb:hsqldb:jar:2.7.3 (closes #6)
- Complete bin.zip distribution for download (closes #7)
- Binary distrib to contain shaded executable uber jar (closes #9)
- Exclude ODBC Tables (closes #10)
- Throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException for unsupported driver features (closes #11)
- Maven dependency updates
- Avoid locale manipulation in unit tests
- Fix Sonarcloud findings
- Custom JUnit5 test sources
- Switch from slf4j to JPL logging (Java Platform/System Logger)
- Driver to return actual major and minor version
- Move from com.healthmarketscience.jackcess to io.github.spannm.jackcess
The project now only depends on HSQLDB and Jackcess at run-time:
mvn dependency:tree -Dscope=runtime
[INFO] --------------------< io.github.spannm:ucanaccess >---------------------
[INFO] Building UCanAccess 5.1.2
[INFO] from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- dependency:3.8.0:tree (default-cli) @ ucanaccess ---
[INFO] io.github.spannm:ucanaccess:jar:5.1.2
[INFO] +- org.hsqldb:hsqldb:jar:2.7.3:compile
[INFO] \- io.github.spannm:jackcess:jar:5.0.0:compile
[INFO] \- org.apache.poi:poi:jar:4.1.2:compile
[INFO] +- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.13:compile
[INFO] +- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:jar:4.4:compile
[INFO] +- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:jar:3.6.1:compile
[INFO] \- com.zaxxer:SparseBitSet:jar:1.2:compile