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Design rules

remap @id and @type

We want to hide json-ld specific keys. @id is remapped to id, @type is remapped to type.

@base declaration

Notices should declare their base URI to the record URI, e.g.

"@context": {
    "@import": "",
    "@base": ""


Sections in the context files are separated by 2 newlines for readability.


We order the declaration by namespaces, as they are given in the linked data application profile document.

handle key clashes

We choose to handle key clashes by suffixing the key with the prefix, e.g. type vs. type_dct.

This is the case for :

  • issn (issn_bibo vs. issn_schema)
  • type

Controlled vocabularies namespaces

We follow the naming convention used in the application profile. :


We add :

    "countries": "",

use of identifier indexing

    "identifiedBy" : {
      "@id" : "bf:identifiedBy",
      "@type" : "@id",
      "@container": "@id"

This forces us to repeat the ISSN-L inside the identifierBy of the ISSN-L, but this is not bad thing:

  "isPartOf" : {
    "id" : "",
    "identifiedBy" : {
      "#ISSN-L" : {
        "type" : "bf:IssnL",
        "status" : "idStatus:Valid",
        "value" : "0247-0624"

reverse properties

We want to have a hierarchical structure from the resource down to its Record and down to its CreationEvent. Thus we need 2 inverse hierarchical links:

"generated_by" : {
  "@reverse" : "prov:generated",
  "@type" : "@id"


"mainEntity_of" : {
  "@reverse" : "schema:mainEntity",
  "@type" : "@id"

TODO / Open questions

add missing type mapping in examples


Properly handle the IRI or Literal situation :

This property contains the publication frequency of the continuing resource, from the Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Namespace, or as the literal values "unknown" or "other".

Right now we specify it as "@id"

Should we declare additional namespaces for controlled vocabularies ?

e.g., ?

Not sure we really need this, this will hide a lot of URI. Maybe the URIs should be kept in clear ?

--> Leave references to external URIs explicit

check values of dct:spatial on Organization

Is it using URIs ?

--> Not in the notices, will be published in the list of ISSN centers.

Application Profile document update

Update the use of bibschema in the application profile


bibschema namespace is outdated. Properties have been integrated directly in

  • bibschema:translationOfWork exists as schema:translationOfWork
  • bibschema:workTranslation exists as schema:workTranslation
  • bibschema:Atlas, bibschema:Map, bibschema:AudioObject, bibschema:VideoObject, bibschema:Newspaper all exist in
  • bibschema:publishedBy exists as schema:publishedBy

I have set the corresponding mapping to schema URI instead of bibschema URIs

update versionOf in AP


dct:versionOf does not exist. It should be dct:isVersionOf.

reference to dcterms namespace


At least one reference subsist to dcterms: namespace, should be replaced by dct:

xsd:number is wrong


xsd:number is wrong and should be replaced by xsd:decimal

reference to issn: namespace


issn: namespace should be replaced by issnprop: namespace

memberOf is not in the application profile


nature exemple uses memberOf on classification information, but this is not in the AP table, not in the diagrams. The mapping table contains it, but with visible errors in the URIs. Should it be added to the AP ?

--> remove from the examples and from the mapping

Supprimer le champs 538$a des notes


Ajouter 720 au mapping du champs "isb"


Check dcam namespace: missing a final /


Check bfmarc namespace: missing a final /


Check namespace consistence m2100X vs m2100x : should use capital X


Nouvelle zone 857


Pointe vers les archives électroniques

Mapping de mainTitle devrait être mis à jour avec "245$a + $n + $p si présent"


Should the date of creation of the Record be published ?

status:DONE (on the Activity)

cancelledInFavorOf, mapped to 022$v


Modifier le mappind de 760 et 762 pour utiliser bf:hasSeries / bf:hasSubseries à la place de schema:hasPart / isParOf

status:WILL NOT DO

Missing schema:holdingArchive in table


Ajout de la zone 510


Problem notice Nature

  • Missing #ISSN identifier in the data !!

  • hasCancelledISSN : Wrong value URI

  • GeoCoordinates are missing, should this be skipped if no geo information is available ?

  • Problem in URI of "M008CR22" : ""

  • There is an entity resource/ISSN/0028-0836#PublicationPlace-London_: (note the _: at the end) that is never referenced from any publication event. Is this an error ? I remove it

  • Wrong URI in "wasAssociatedWith" : ""

    • Should be declared in the list of ISSN center
  • I can't find an dct:identifier attribute in the Nature record ?

  • missing @type

  • missing issn

  • Missing the country from ISO 044 ?

  • Ajouter un exemple pour les métadonnées Keepers (dans les notices publiques)

  • Ajouter la zone 857 dans le profil d'application

  • Autre notice effervescence lycéenne full à faire en exemple


ISSN Application Profile JSON-LD context






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