Welcome to Simple Logger, a Spring Boot plugin/service that will set up logging in your application with just one annotation!
For this plugin to work in your project, it requires the following:
- Java 17 or higher
- Spring Boot 3.1.4 or higher
To use it in your project, import a maven dependency of the last stable release.
In order to set up basic logging with all default values in your application, you need to annotate your main method with the SimpleLogging annotation.
public class ExampleApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ExampleApplication.class, args);
This will enable logging for all your REST Controller methods, it will log the request and the response for each call of the method and any errors that occur during the process. If you want to disable logging for a specific method or class, you can annotate it with IgnoreLogging annotation.
public class ExampleClass {
public void exampleMethod() {
// this annotation can be used either above a method or above a class depending on your needs
The SimpleLogging annotation comes with a set of default values that you can customise according to your needs, take a look at all the options explained:
public @interface SimpleLogging {
int maxFileSizeMb() default 50; // maximum file size of a singular log file in megabytes
int maxStringSizeMb() default 5; // maximum string size of a loggable object, if the string takes more than that it is ignored
String logFilePath() default "logs"; // path to where you want your logs to be saved
String zippedLogFilePath() default "logs"; // path to where you want your zipped logs to be saved, your logs get zipped automatically after days defined in zipOldLogFilesOlderThanDays property have passed
String charset() default "UTF-8"; // charset for logging (java.nio.charset.Charset is used here. If your custom charset is unrecognised by it, the logger will use the default charset)
int maxCacheHistoryLogs() default 100; // the maximum number of logs to be cached in memory, used for CustomFileHandler
int logRetentionLengthInDays() default 15; // after how many days logs get deleted
int zipOldLogFilesOlderThanDays() default 4; // after how many days logs get zipped
String logDeletionCronScheduler() default "0 0 0 * * ?"; // at which time you'd like to schedule log deletion, uses CRON format
String applicationName() default "application"; // defines the prefix for your log files
boolean compressOldLogs() default true; // you are free to disable log compression if you don't need it
String loggingLevel() default "ALL"; // defines what log levels are saved into a file
boolean logToConsole() default false; // defines if you want your logs to be present in console as well
int maxBackupFiles() default 5; // defines the maximum amount of logs in daily log rotation
These values can be set in the main class as parameters of @SimpleLogging annotation, like following:
@SimpleLogging(logToConsole = true, maxBackupFiles = 20, compressOldLogs = false)
public class ExampleApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ExampleApplication.class, args);
If you want to include a custom property while logging, you can define it like this:
import com.simple.logging.application.model.CustomLogProperties;
public class ExampleController {
private ExampleService exampleService;
public ResponseEntity<List<ExampleDTO>> getExamples(@RequestBody @Valid final ExampleRequest examplerequest){
CustomLogProperties.setProperty("userId", "1224");
return new ResponseEntity<>(exampleService.getExamples(examplerequest), HttpStatus.OK);
This way, everything logged during the flow of the method your custom property will also be logged along with your payloads:
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 HTTP METHOD - POST
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 REQUEST URL - http://localhost:8080/api/example
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 REQUEST HANDLER - com.app.example.ExampleController#getExamples(ExampleRequest)
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 HTTP STATUS - 200
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 userId - 1224
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 REQUEST BODY: {"eligible":true,"sortField":"TITLE","direction":"ASC"}
2024-06-25 15:00:48 INFO: 9c2bb054-ea33-4219-9b80-9c4bd71bb3e2 RESPONSE BODY: []
The LogUtility
class provides various methods for handling log files.
- Move File: Moves a file to a new location.
- Rename File: Renames a file.
- Delete File: Deletes a file.
- Compress File: Compresses a log file into a ZIP archive.
- Retrieve All Log Files: Retrieves a list of all log files in the specified directory.
- Retrieve Log Files Between Dates: Retrieves a list of log files between specified dates.
- Retrieve Log Files For Date: Retrieves a list of log files for a specified date.
- Search Log File: Searches for a keyword in a log file and returns matching lines.
- Generate File From Search: Generates a file with the specified name and writes the provided list of strings to it.
- Minify JSON String: Minifies a JSON string by removing unnecessary whitespaces and line breaks.
The PayloadHistory
class provides methods for managing a history of Payload
- Add Log: Adds a log entry to the history.
- Remove Log: Removes a log entry from the history.
- Clear Log: Clears all log entries from the history.
- View Logs: Returns the list of log entries in the history.
List<File> logFiles = LogUtility.getAllLogFiles();
LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 1);
LocalDate endDate = LocalDate.of(2023, 12, 31);
List<File> logFiles = LogUtility.getLogFilesBetweenDates(startDate, endDate);
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2023, 6, 1);
List<File> logFiles = LogUtility.getLogFilesForDate(date);
Path sourcePath = Path.of("/path/to/source/file.log");
Path targetPath = Path.of("/path/to/target/file.log");
LogUtility.moveFile(sourcePath, targetPath);
Path sourcePath = Path.of("/path/to/source/file.log");
String newName = "newFileName.log";
LogUtility.renameFile(sourcePath, newName);
Path filePath = Path.of("/path/to/file.log");
Path filePath = Path.of("/path/to/file.log");
Path filePath = Path.of("/path/to/file.log");
String keyword = "searchKeyword";
List<String> matchedLines = LogUtility.searchLogFile(filePath, keyword); // These lines also contain the origin file name and the line number
String fileName = "searchResults";
List<String> lines = matchedLines; // Lines obtained from the search
LogUtility.generateFileFromSearch(fileName, lines);
String jsonString = "{ \"key\": \"value\" }";
String minifiedJson = LogUtility.minifyJsonString(jsonString);
Payload logEntry = new Payload();
Payload logEntry = new Payload();
List<Payload> logEntries = PayloadHistory.viewLogs();
public class Payload {
private String httpMethod;
private String requestUrl;
private String requestHandler;
private Integer httpStatus;
private String requestBody;
private String responseBody;
private LocalDateTime timestamp;
private String uuid;
private Map<String, String> customProperties;
This object represents the logged payload, and can be used to manipulate it using PayloadHistory methods. Each payload logged is being automatically saved to this list, so for basic usage, just use 'viewLogs()' function to view them without any hassle. There are options to add new logs, this was added in case user wishes to log something extra not being logged automatically.
Please note this log history object is being saved in memory - meaning unless you save it and re-instantiate it at startup, it will be cleared once the application shuts down.
Re-implementation of a standard Java logger, just encapsulated so it's easier to use, also without the need of instantiation
Log.log("Basic level of logging");
Log.info("Info level of logging with parameters: {} {}", arg1, arg2 ...);
Log.warn("This is a warning message");
Log.error("An error occurred: %s", "you may also use %s as a placeholder for parameters");
All of these may contain endless amount of arguments, and you may use placeholders '%s' and '{}' in any of them.
If you're using a SecurityFilterChain in your project, ensure that your requestMatchers are defined. Example:
.requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/api/**"))
//instead of
Otherwise, you might get an error like the following:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.security.web.SecurityFilterChain]: Factory method 'filterChain' threw exception with message: This method cannot decide whether these patterns are Spring MVC patterns or not. If this endpoint is a Spring MVC endpoint, please use requestMatchers(MvcRequestMatcher); otherwise, please use requestMatchers(AntPathRequestMatcher).