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Message Catalog

Andrea Gazzarini edited this page May 12, 2015 · 9 revisions

Each message produced by SolRDF has the following format :


Where :

  • DATE is the date and time at which the message was added
  • PRIORITY Could be one of the following : DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL
  • MESSAGE-ID : the message unique identifier (e.g. SOLRDF-000086)
  • MESSAGE the log message

For example

2014-01-15 17:05:42,105 DEBUG <SOLRDF-00090> : Switching to Hybrid mode.

This message catalog is not alternative to what Solr already does in terms of logging. Beside SolRDF log messages you will still have messages coming from Solr, like:

16:31:09,847 INFO  Hard AutoCommit: if uncommited for 15000ms;   
16:31:09,847 INFO  Soft AutoCommit: disabled     
16:35:02,062 INFO  newest commit generation = 2       
16:35:02,087 INFO  [store] Registered new searcher Searcher@7720a996     

The following table lists the whole message catalog. Being SolRDF a work in progress, this catalog is frequently updated.

Error messages

|00086|Detected invalid facet ranges (low bound: %s, high bound: %s)|The request contains invalid facet range query bounds (start and / or end). Check the facet.range.start and facet.range.end parameters. See Range Faceting for more information.|
|00087|Detected a range facet infinite loop (gap negative? math overflow?).|Check the parameter. See Range Faceting for more information.| |00088|range facet infinite loop; gap is either zero, or too small relative start/end and caused underflow (gap:%, low bound: %s, high bound: %s)|The request contains invalid facet range query bounds (start and / or end). Check the facet.range.start and facet.range.end parameters. See Range Faceting for more information.|
|00089|Unable to range facet on field %s (not a Trie Double or Date Field).| Shouldn't never occur because the target field is internally and automatically selected. Did you change the SolRDF Schema?| |00091|Query or QueryExecution cannot be null.|A request didn't produce any SPARQL Query or execution. This is an internal system error. Check your logs, the stacktrace should give a clear explanation of what happened. |00095|Unsupported / Unknown Content-type: %s|The request contains an unsupported or unknown content-type.| |00099|Invalid update request: %s|The SPARQL 1.1 Update handler received an invalid update request. The message also contains the invalid value.|
|00100|Invalid facet method %s for facet object query %s|An invalid facet.method for a given query has been specified in request.| |00101|facet.prefix is not supported on numeric types.|The facet.prefix parameter cannot be applied to facet object queries that select a numeric object.| |00102|Unable to compute facets for object query %s on field %s.|An error has occurred while computing facets for a given query. Check your logs, the stacktrace should give a clear explanation of what happened. | |00103|Unable to parse date expression %s|The request contains a parameter which is not a valid literal or a valid date math expression.|

Debug messages

|00090|Switching to Hybrid mode.|The system will switch and execute the request in Hybrid mode,as it detected some "trigger" parameter (e.g. facet, sort, rows, start)| |00092|Query type %s, incoming Accept header is %s, applied Content-type is %s|Informational message about the incoming query, requested and negotiated content-type.| |00093|Incoming GraphStoreProtocol %s request on %s Graph.|Information message about an incoming graph store protocol request.| |00094|Content-type of the incoming stream: %s|Informs about the content type of the incoming stream to be indexed.| |00096|Incoming stream with Content-type %s has been associated with %s|Informs about the association between the incoming stream and an appropriate Triples or Quads loader.| |00097|New Bulk Loader registry entry: %s => %s|Informs about a new association (between a content type and a Quads / Triples Loader) that has been registered on the Bulk Loader.| |00098|New Bulk Loader registry entry: %s => %s|Informs about a new association (between a content type and a Quads / Triples Loader) that has been registered on the Update Handler.| |00104|Incoming SPARQL Update request with URL-encoded parameters.|A new Update (URL-encoded) request as been received on SPARQL Update Handler|
|00105|Value of update parameter is %s|The message prints out the value of the update parameter, containing the update request| |00106|Applying the incoming Update Request to Graph %s|For each graphUri indicated in the request, this message inform about the execution of the current update request on that graph.| |00107|Applying the incoming Update Request to the default Graph|If no target graph has been specified, then the (update) request will be targeted to the default graph.| |00108|Incoming SPARQL Update request using POST directly|A new Update (not encoded) request as been received on SPARQL Update Handler|

Informational messages

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