Program for binary tree visualization.
You can:
- Create 3 different types of search trees: AVL, RedBlack and Common binary tree
- Edit trees: insert nodes, move nodes and remove them
- Save it with 3 different ways: Neo4j, Json and SQLite
- Or load your own tree from these "databases"
- Use our library to implement binary search trees in your own project
- Java JDK version 11 or later
To build and run this application locally, you'll need Git and JDK installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone trees-2
# Go into the repository
cd trees-2
# Build
./gradlew assemble
# use `./gradlew build` if you want to test app
# Run the app
./gradlew run
Since to save or download from neo4j, the application needs to connect to an instance of this database. We will tell you how it can be started quickly.
- download archive [linux/mac] [windows]
- extract files from it to a dir
- run
~/neo4j-dir/bin/neo4j console
- now you can visit http://localhost:7474 in your web browser.
- connect using the username 'neo4j' with default password 'neo4j'. You'll then be prompted to change the password.
- to save/load tree enter this url
with correct login and password to app
If you got trouble during installation or for more information visit
At plain text database we store AVLTree. We use json files. There are 2 types of objects with the following struct:
int - node heightx
int - node position at uiy
int - node position at uileft
AVLNode - node left childright
AVLNode - node right child
We have methods:
exportTree(TreeController, file.json)
- writes information stored in TreeController object to a filefile.json
- reads the tree stored in the filefile.json
and returns TreeController object.
At SQLite database we store BinSearchTree. There are 2 types of objects with the following struct:
int - node position at uiy
int - node position at ui
We have methods:
exportTree(TreeController, file.sqlite)
- writes information stored in TreeController object to afile
in preorder order.importTree(file.sqlite)
- reads the tree stored in thefile
and returns TreeController object. Nodes must be stored in preorder order (check root -> then check left child -> then check right child). If there are some extra tree nodes, that can't fit in the tree, thenimportTree
will throwHandledIOException
At neo4j database we store RBTree. There are 2 types of labels with the following struct:
boolean - node colourx
int - node position at uiy
int - node position at ui
Also, there are 3 types of links:
: from tree(Tree
) to its root(RBNode
: from parent(RBNode
) to its left-child(RBNode
: from parent(RBNode
) to its right-child(RBNode
Using the Tree
labels, we can store several trees in the database at once. But their nodes should not intersect
(shouldn't have links between each other).
Our library gives you the opportunity to work with already written
trees (BinSearchTree
, AVLTree
, RBTree
), and write your own based on written templates.
Since our library is a separate gradle module, it is enough to import it:
- copy the module folder to your gradle project
- specify it in the dependencies
dependencies {
fun example() {
// create RBTree with int elements
val intTree = RBTree<Int>()
// create AVLTree with string elements
val stringTree = AVLTree<String>()
// create common BinSearchTree with int keys and string values
val keyValuePairTree = BinSearchTree<KVP<Int, String>>()
intTree.insert(3) // insert new node
intTree.remove(3) // remove node if it exists
val foundNode = intTree.find(3) // find node
for (i in 0..10) {
val traverseList = stringTree.traversal(TemplateNode.Traversal.INORDER)
// get list of nodes' elements at INORDER traverse
class CoolNode<T : Comparable<T>>(v: T, var coolness: Double) : TemplateNode<T, CoolNode<T>>(v) {
fun sayYourCoolness() {
println("My coolness equal to $coolness cats")
class MyCoolTree<T : Comparable<T>> : TemplateBSTree<T, CoolNode<T>>() {
override fun insert(curNode: CoolNode<T>?, obj: T): CoolNode<T>? {
val newNode = CoolNode(obj, 0.0)
val parentNode = insertNode(curNode, newNode)
parentNode?.let {
newNode.coolness = it.coolness * 1.3
return parentNode
class MyCoolTree<T : Comparable<T>> : TemplateBalanceBSTree<T, CoolNode<T>>() {
override fun insert(curNode: CoolNode<T>?, obj: T): CoolNode<T>? {
return insertNode(curNode, CoolNode(obj, 0.0))
override fun balance(
curNode: CoolNode<T>?,
changedChild: BalanceCase.ChangedChild,
operationType: BalanceCase.OperationType,
recursive: BalanceCase.Recursive
) {
when (changedChild) {
BalanceCase.ChangedChild.ROOT -> println("root was changed")
BalanceCase.ChangedChild.LEFT -> println("left child of curNode was changed")
BalanceCase.ChangedChild.RIGHT -> println("right child of curNode was changed")
when (operationType) {
BalanceCase.OpType.REMOVE_0 -> println("removed node with 0 null children")
BalanceCase.OpType.REMOVE_1 -> println("removed node with 1 null child")
BalanceCase.OpType.REMOVE_2 -> println("removed node with 2 null children")
BalanceCase.OpType.INSERT -> println("inserted new node")
when (recursive) {
BalanceCase.Recursive.RECURSIVE_CALL -> println("just returning from traverse")
BalanceCase.Recursive.END -> println("this was last iteration, so it can change something")
if (curNode != null) {
curNode.left?.let {
rotateLeft(it, curNode)
// do left rotate on the curNode.left with curNode as parent
For more examples you can watch code of our app or library.
Quick start:
- Create a branch with new feature from
branch (git checkout -b feat/my-feature develop
) - Commit the changes (
git commit -m "feat: Add some awesome feature"
) - Push the branch to origin (
git push origin feat/add-amazing-feature
) - Open the pull request
For more details, see
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.