This is a simple setup to get a single chef-server + 1 client up and running for doing work/testing locally. The server will nat port 4000 local to the server vm. The repo has a .chef/knife.rb setup to work relative to the repo. The cookbooks that run on server will copy the validation and setup a knife client for usage from withing the repo against the server thats built. The client vm will use the validation pem to register against the server. All of it should clean up when vagrant destroy is ran.
Clone this repo
git clone git://
Get in that repo
cd chef-sandbox
Install The Required gems
bundle install
Vagrant UP!
bundle exec vagrant up
This should provision your server and a single client.
You can add more clients to the Vagrant file as-needed.
Rebuild a client
vagrant destroy client1
This will destroy the client vm and remove the client key and node from the chef server
I started this project cause I wanted to be able to test multi-vm setups in jenkins, and as time permits I will continue to push updates.