This is a Go API client for Opscode's Chef.
Use go get
to install chef-golang:
go get
There is a helper script in test/support/
that will setup a goiardi server primed
with unit-testing data. there is also an example knife config and a script named test/support/
If you don't have a local ~/.chef/knife.rb
you can simply run these 3 commands:
go test -v
to shutdown the server run test/support/
The goiardi Server is listening on port 8443
and the keys and config are copied to /tmp/goiardi. If you want to setup your own knife.rb
and not use the provided one.
This project has no external dependencies other than the Go standard library.
Like most every other Golang project, this projects documentation can be found on godoc at
package main
import (
var findNode = ""
var findCookbook = "neo4j"
var findRole = "Neo4j"
func main() {
c, err := chef.Connect()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
c.SSLNoVerify = true
// Print detailed information about a specific node
node, ok, err := c.GetNode(findNode)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("\nCouldn't find that node!")
} else {
for i := 0; i < 80; i++ {
fmt.Println("\nSystem info:", node.Name, "\n")
fmt.Println(" [+] IP Address:", node.Info.IPAddress)
fmt.Println(" [+] MAC Address:", node.Info.MACAddress)
fmt.Println(" [+] Operating System:", node.Info.Platform)
fmt.Println("\n [+] Filesystem Info")
for partition, info := range node.Info.Filesystem {
if info.PercentUsed != "" {
fmt.Println(" - ", partition, "is", info.PercentUsed, "utilized")
fmt.Println("\n [+] Roles")
for _, role := range node.Info.Roles {
fmt.Println(" - ", role)
for i := 0; i < 80; i++ {
// Print detailed information about a specific cookbook
cookbook, ok, err := c.GetCookbook(findCookbook)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("\nCouldn't find that cookbook!")
} else {
fmt.Println("\n\nCookbook info:", findCookbook)
for _, version := range cookbook.Versions {
currentVersion, ok, err := c.GetCookbookVersion(findCookbook, version.Version)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
if ok {
if len(currentVersion.Files) > 0 {
fmt.Println("\n [+]", findCookbook, currentVersion.Version, "Cookbook Files")
for _, cookbookFile := range currentVersion.Files {
fmt.Println(" - ", cookbookFile.Name)
for i := 0; i < 80; i++ {
// Print detailed information about a specific role
role, ok, err := c.GetRole(findRole)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("\nCouldn't find that role!")
} else {
fmt.Println("\n\nRole information:", role.Name)
fmt.Println("\n[+] Runlist")
for _, recipe := range role.RunList {
fmt.Println(" - ", recipe)
Which will output something like this:
System info:
[+] IP Address:
[+] MAC Address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
[+] Operating System: centos
[+] Filesystem Info
- /dev/vda is 46% utilized
- tmpfs is 1% utilized
[+] Roles
- Base
- Neo4j
Cookbook info: neo4j
[+] neo4j 0.1.6 Cookbook Files
- neo4j-service
- neo4j-wrapper.conf
[+] neo4j 0.1.5 Cookbook Files
- neo4j-service
- neo4j-wrapper.conf
[+] neo4j 0.1.4 Cookbook Files
- neo4j-service
[+] neo4j 0.1.3 Cookbook Files
- neo4j-service
[+] neo4j 0.1.2 Cookbook Files
- neo4j-service
Role information: Neo4j
[+] Runlist
- recipe[yum]
- recipe[ldap]
- recipe[system]
- recipe[neo4j::server]
- recipe[neo4j::web-ui]
Please contribute and help improve this project!
- Fork the repo
- Make sure the tests pass
- Improve the code
- Make sure your feature has test coverage
- Make sure the tests pass
- Submit a pull request