This is a fun project that aims to train an Neural Network to play the famous 3D Pinball - Space Cadet
, a game bundled with Windows 95 and XP.
To build this project, special thanks have to go to k4zmu2a/SpaceCadetPinball repo. Refer to that project for more information about porting Space Cadet
You need to download the game resources (.dat & audio files) and place them in the bin/
These resources are not included, but should be easy to find - just google it.
Afterwards, follow the below steps.
TBD - please contribute :)
Install devel packages for SDL2
, SDL2_mixer
and SDL2_ttf
Insatll cmake
and ninja
and compile with CMake; tested with GCC 10, Clang 11.\
At the root of the repo run:
cmake -GNinja .
The executable should be under folder bin/SpaceCadetPinball
. You can play it by running:
TBD - please contribute :)
In order to enable the AI to play the game, the source code of SpaceCadet had to be enhanced. These are the topline changes:
- Thread to output to stdout the inputs required for the Neuran Network
- Thread to read from stdin the outputs of the Neuran Network and to perform the commanded action
- By using the SDL2_ttf package, visualize on the screen the inputs to the Neural Network
You can enable the game feedback via the stdout by enabling the "Debug Overlay" option:
A Neuran Network has been developed to play the game. The NEAT genetic algorithm is used to create a generation, find the best performer(s), perform crossover and mutations and repeat. The best performer(s) of each epoch are stored, to allow continuing the training from a specific generation.
Signs of playing "intelligence" start to show up after ~100 generations, but your results may vary due to the random starting point.
A Neural Network with 2 hidden layers of 7 nodes each was used.
- Location of the ball (X, Y)
- Speed of the ball
- Direction of the ball (X, Y)
- Do nothing
- Actuate Left Flipper
- Actuate Right Flipper
Parameters for the fitness function:
- Score
- Number of ball hits with the Left Flipper
- Number of ball hits with the Right Flipper
- Ball drained flag
See AIPlayer/pip_packages.txt
Install via: pip install -r pip_packages.txt
In order to tidy the multiple games on the screen to have a good overview, the system package wmctrl
is used in
in function resize_window()
. Install it based on your OS.
Execute the following to start from scratch (random Neural Networks):
python AIPlayer/
Execute the following to start from specific parents
python AIPlayer/ <path_to_parent_0_weights.csv> <path_to_parent_1_weights.csv> ...
For the AI to receive game feedback, make sure you enable the Debug Overlay in the game settings:
All the logic related to the AI is under AIPlayer
: Implementation of a Neural Network
: Implementation of the NEAT genetic algorithm for
: Implementation of helper classes to visualize the Neural Networks and their weights (see Special Thanks)
: Main script
At the end of each epoch the script outputs the following:
- All parents in csv format at:
- All parents visualizations in png format at:
- The last parents visualizations:
num_of_nns = 30 # Set the number of Neural Network Children per epoch
num_of_rand_children = 5 # Number for additional random Neural Networks per epoch
hidden_layers = [7,7] # Number of hiden layers and their nodes
start_timeout = 30; # Starting game duration per epoch. It is increasing by 10 sec every 10 epoch
- Train a Neural Network with more output actions
- Optimize fitness function to punish erratic behaviour
- Use PPO Algorithm for evolving the Neural Network
- Space Cadet port: k4zmu2a/SpaceCadetPinball
- Useful library for Neural Network Visualization: jzliu-100/visualize-neural-network
- Multilinear NN example: miloharper/multi-layer-neural-network
- Genetic Algorithm for optimizing a NN: luaffjk/ga-mlp