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Become a sponsor to Tanay Mehta


Tanay Mehta

London, United Kingdom

Some brief points about Tanay:

  • Open Source Contributor at Hugging Face Transformers and NVIDIA's RAPIDS (cuML)
  • Kaggle Grandmaster (in top-100 globally)
  • Ex-Applied Research Intern in Machine Learning at NVIDIA, India
  • Computer Science Graduate
  • Dev Expert at Weights and Biases

What is he working on now?

  • Working on adding the EfficientNet Model family to Hugging Face Transformers
  • Working on adding Cross Validators to NVIDIA's RAPIDS (cuML) framework
  • Working on adding the ConvNext model for Semantic Segmentation to Hugging Face Transformers

What Open Source contributions has he made yet?

What are Tanay's aim and vision for OS Contributions for 2022?
Tanay is working hard in extending the Vision capabilities of Hugging Face transformers and also adding more and more features to NVIDIA's RAPIDS as an Open Source contributor.

How will your sponsorship help him?
Open Source contributions are by their nature, time-consuming and a voluntary effort. Tanay has a knack for understanding new codebases and doing contributions to them. However, doing this full-time requires him to divert his focus on this and since he is no longer a student, a subscription will help him in doing Open Source contributions in a much bigger capacity.


Reaching this goal will help me transition to Open Source full-time

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$10 one time

  • Get a shoutout on Twitter

$250 one time

  • I'll run a workshop for your team helping them do their first Open Souce Contribution!