A Terraform module to connect an Azure Subscription to Spot.io
The module will aid in automatically connecting your Azure Subscription to Spot via terraform. Permissions will be managed by Azure Active Directory with a custom role that will be assigned to the Application. The Terraform module will leverage Spot APIs called via a script to complete the connection to the Spot platform.
# One or more subscriptions can be added.
provider "azurerm" {
subscription_id = "redacted"
features {}
provider "azuread" {
tenant_id = "redacted"
#Call the spot module to create a Spot account and link to the first Azure subscription
module "azure-connect" {
source = "spotinst/azure-connect/spotinst"
spotinst_token = "redacted"
output "spot_account_id" {
value = module.azure-connect.spot_account_id
- Spot Organization Admin API token.
- python3 installed
- pip3 installed
- Subscription ID/s
- Azure Active Directory ID
- Azure CLI access with permissions to perform the following actions on each subscription:
- For Apply:
- Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write
- Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write
- For Destroy:
- Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/delete
- Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/delete
- For Apply:
The terraform module will do the following:
On Apply:
- Create an App Registration
- Create an App Secret
- Create a Custom Role
- Create a Service Principal
- Assign Role to Application on Subscription
- Create New Spot Account using the subscription display name
- Provide and link newly created application credentials to Spot account.