A simple application that was live coded for spring peepers 2014 as a basic codebase for looking at testing, Rails project creation etc.
Here are the files we changed
.rspec | 1 +
Gemfile | 13 ++
Gemfile.lock | 52 +++++
README.rdoc | 261 --------------------------
app/controllers/admin/feedbacks_controller.rb | 11 ++
app/controllers/admin/welcome_controller.rb | 4 +
app/controllers/feedbacks_controller.rb | 18 ++
app/models/feedback.rb | 5 +
app/models/rage_communicator.rb | 18 ++
app/views/admin/feedbacks/index.html.erb | 3 +
app/views/feedbacks/index.html.erb | 4 +
app/views/feedbacks/new.html.erb | 22 +++
app/views/shared/_feedback.html.erb | 4 +
app/views/shared/_flash_success.html.erb | 6 +
config/application.rb | 4 +
config/database.yml | 38 ----
config/routes.rb | 59 +-----
db/migrate/20140603153435_create_feedbacks.rb | 11 ++
db/schema.rb | 24 +++
public/index.html | 241 ------------------------
spec/controllers/feedbacks_spec.rb | 17 ++
spec/factories/.gitkeep | 0
spec/factories/feedback.rb | 11 ++
spec/models/rage_communicator_spec.rb | 13 ++
spec/spec_helper.rb | 43 +++++
25 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 594 deletions(-)