RSpec Hash Diff is a library that makes Hash comparisons in RSpec much easier to read.
For hashes that are deeply nested, it can be hard to visually parse what the actual error was:
1) Hello does some stuff
Failure/Error: expect({a: "hello", b: "goodbye", c: { d: "movei", e: "another", f: { g: 'a word' } }}).to match({ a: "hello", b: 3, c: { d: "movei", e: "another", f: { g: "diff word" }}})
expected {:a=>"hello", :b=>"goodbye", :c=>{:d=>"movei", :e=>"another", :f=>{:g=>"a word"}}} to match {:a=>"hello", :b=>3, :c=>{:d=>"movei", :e=>"another", :f=>{:g=>"diff word"}}}
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
:a => "hello",
-:b => 3,
-:c => {:d=>"movei", :e=>"another", :f=>{:g=>"diff word"}},
+:b => "goodbye",
+:c => {:d=>"movei", :e=>"another", :f=>{:g=>"a word"}},
# ./test.rb:8:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
With rspec-hash-diff
included, we show the keys inside the deeply nested hash that were actually different:
1) Hello does some stuff
Failure/Error: expect({a: "hello", b: "goodbye", c: { d: "movei", e: "another", f: { g: 'a word' } }}).to match({ a: "hello", b: 3, c: { d: "movei", e: "another", f: { g: "diff word" }}})
expected {:a=>"hello", :b=>"goodbye", :c=>{:d=>"movei", :e=>"another", :f=>{:g=>"a word"}}} to match {:a=>"hello", :b=>3, :c=>{:d=>"movei", :e=>"another", :f=>{:g=>"diff word"}}}
+ {b: goodbye }
- {b: 3 }
+ {c:{f:{g: a word }}}
- {c:{f:{g: diff word }}}
# ./test.rb:8:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.00665 seconds (files took 0.67129 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure
This nested diff is computed using hashdiff.
Available on RubyGems:
gem install rspec-hash_diff
Simply call require 'rspec-hash_diff' in a
spec_helper.rb` file (or any spec files where you want this to run).
This rspec library only exists because of @liufengyun's awesome hashdiff library. Thank you!