Geo Replication using Mongo API support Powered by Azure DocumentDB
Latency Measurement is done by performing 1000 read/write operations and measuring p99 latency .
The home page is autorefreshed (actually map and charts are re rendered) every 30 secs. This can be modified.
Handy tools and libs used:
Chart courtesy - Google Charts API
Map courtesy - jvectormap
Setup The Worker Apps
Make sure that the Cosmos Db account is correctly configured and that the Cloud Service Worker Apps to generate load are running. The source code and steps to deploy are shared here
Clone / download the repo and open the NodejsWebApp2.sln file in Visual Studio
Configure Cosmos DB server settings for the Web App
Open the config/config.js file and modify the following variables to reflect your MongoDb settings
const port = YOUR_MONGO_PORT; const username = YOUR_MONGO_USERNAME; const password = YOUR_MONGO_PASSWORD; const documentDbEndPoint = 'https://' + YOUR_MONGO_HOST
Deploy the Web app
- Right click on the NodejsWebApp2 project and choose publish
- Login to your azure acount and select the correct subscription and Azure Web App where you want the deployment to take place
- click 'publish'. The Web App will be deployed in a few minutes