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This is Bcube admin Pannel , we can able to perform crud operations, DELETE , POST,PATCH, GET, GETBYID, and we can perform search by title.

How to get started with this Application

Lets starts by cloning

git clone

aFter dowloading locally start the react app with command . bcube is foldername

npm start

connect the data base as your wish like mongoDB atlas , compass

start the backend with command

npm start

After starting the server. register ur credentials like (username,email,password) use postman or Thunder client as Your wish. Use json format like this in body

{ "username":"Your username" , "email":"Your email", "password":"password" }

Hit this api to register by passing above details


After the login from frontend perform crud operations.


Method Endpoint Description Authentication Status Code
GET /api/data Retrieve data Required 200
GET /api/data/:id Retrive data by id Required 200
GET /api/Search Retrive data by search Required 200
POST /api/login Login by credentials NA 200
POST /api/register register using Your credentials NA 200
POST /api/upload Post data by Required 200
PATCH /api/update/:id Update data by id Required 200
DELETE /api/delete/:id Delete data by id Required 200

Database Schema


The adminSchema defines the structure of the Admin model.


  • username (String, required): The username of the admin.
  • email (String, required): The email address of the admin.
  • password (String, required): The password of the admin.



The videoSchema defines the structure of the Video model.


  • Title (String, required): The title of the video.
  • video (String, required): The URL or path to the video file.
  • description (String, required): Description of the video content.
  • userID (String): The user ID associated with the video.

PostMan Hit Points

Please explore for better understanding of Api Hit points Docs

ReactJs Frontend

bcube is Project of Admin Pannel interface

Login and Dashboard

Login Page: To access CRUD operations, the admin must log in. On launching the application, the user is directed to the login page where they enter their credentials.


Upon successful authentication, the admin is granted access to the dashboard.

Dashboard Page:

The dashboard is the central interface for performing CRUD operations. It consists of card components, each displaying details of an element.

Card Component:

Each card displays information about an element. The following details are shown:

Video Thumbnail

Description Overview Delete Button Edit Button Edit and Delete Actions:

Edit: Clicking the "Edit" button on a card opens a dialogue box. Edit Dialogue Box: The admin can make changes to the details (video, description, overview) and confirm the edit. Save Edit: Upon clicking the "Edit" button in the dialogue, the changes are saved and the card updates. Delete: Clicking the "Delete" button prompts a dialogue box. Delete Dialogue Box: The admin is asked if they're sure they want to delete the element. Confirm Delete: If the admin confirms deletion, the element is removed from the dashboard. Upload Section

Upload Page:

Besides the dashboard, the application also features an upload section for adding new elements.

Upload Form:

In the upload section, there is an upload form where the admin can input the following details:

Video Description Overview

Submit Upload:

After completing the form, the admin can submit the data.upon succesfull data rendering it will redirect to dashboard

Data Processing:

The submitted data is processed, and a new card is generated on the dashboard with the entered details .


This README provides a high-level overview of the frontend flow for CRUD operations and Backend Hit Points , Database Schema in the application. By following this flow, the admin can seamlessly log in, manage elements using the dashboard's card components, edit existing elements, delete elements with confirmation, and upload new elements using the upload form.

Errors should be resolved in near future

:- getting error in connecting mongo-compass to appilication when i dockerise the application , If any one had solution please make it or i will make myself soon .

This is overview

Interface with out login

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Admin Login form

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After Login in If You Uploaded the videos Ui Look Like this

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Upload form when we click on Upload in sideSection (Note: While uploading the Video If You are using Youtube links use embedded Links like this )

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Edit dialog box if we click on edit button in any of component

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Delete dialog box if we click on delete button in any of component

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Thank You😁
