This is a compiler based on Pascal Programming Language but handles only a subset of the pascal language. It is planned to be self-compiling soon. The compiler produces assembly code that can be run on our Virtual machine (emu/emulator.js).
- Free Pascal Compiler (fpc)
- Node JS 0.6.* for running the virtual machine
Instructions to build and test:
On commandline/console:
make ---- to build the project.
make test ---- to run tests.
make clean ---- to remove/delete unncessary files after building.
make runLastAsmTest ---- to run the virtual machine with the last compiled out.asm file
./SPC someFile.pas ---- to compile a pascal file.
Until it isn't final, the final version is only reachable here
As of May 24th 2012:
pgm = pgmHeading pgmDeclarations codeBlock “.” .
pgmHeading = program pgmIdentifier “;” .
pgmDeclarations = { pgmDeclaration } .
pgmDeclaration = varDeclaration | typeDeclaration | procDeclaration
procDeclaration = procHeading ( forward | ( varDeclarations
codeBlock ) ) “;” .
procHeading = procedure procIdentifier defParameters “;” .
varDeclarations = { varDeclaration } .
varDeclaration = var declaration “;” .
typeDeclaration = type oneTypeDeclaration { oneTypeDeclaration } .
oneTypeDeclaration = typeIdentifier “=” ( recordType | arrayType | ( “^” typeIdentifier ) ) “;” .
codeBlock = begin statements end .
statements = { statement }
statement = simpleStatement | ifStatement | whileStatement |
procCall .
simpleStatement = variable “:=” ( expression | procCall ) “;” .
ifStatement = if expression then codeBlock [ else codeBlock ]
“;” .
whileStatement = while expression do codeBlock “;” .
procCall = procIdentifier callParameters “;” .
defParameters = [ “(” declaration { “;” declaration } “)” ]
declaration = varIdentifier “:” type .
callParameters = [ “(” expression { “;” expression } “)” ]
expression = simpleExpression [ relOperator simpleExpression ] .
simpleExpression = term { addOperator term } .
term = factor { multOperator factor } .
factor = variable | ( [ sign ] longint ) | string | “(” expression
“)” | not factor .
type = simpleType | typeIdentifier .
simpleType = longint | string | char | boolean | text .
recordType = record declaration { “;” declaration } end .
arrayType = array of typeIdentifier .
variable = varExtIdentifier { varModifier } .
varModifier = [ “^” ] “.” varExtIdentifier .
varExtIdentifier = varIdentifier { “[” expression “]” } .
pgmIndentifier = identifier .
constIndentifier = identifier .
varIndentifier = identifier .
typeIndentifier = identifier .
procIndentifier = identifier .
funcIndentifier = identifier .
identifier = letter { letter | digit } .
sign = “+” | “-” .
longint = digit { digit } .
string = “’” stringCharacter { stringCharacter } “’” .
stringCharacter = any-character-except-quote | “’’” .
relOperator = “=” | “<>” | “<” | “<=” | “>” | “>=” .
addOperator = “+” | “-” | or .
multOperator = “*” | div | and .
letter = “A” | … | “Z” | “a” | … | “z” .
digit = “0” | “1” | “2” | “3” | “4” | “5” | “6” | “7” | “8” | “9” .
Kommentare sind zwischen “(*” und “*)” eingeschlossen oder folgen nach “//”
The 32-bit RISC-like processor emulator is written in CoffeeScript. It takes an assembly file as parameter and runs it. The -d parameter makes it run in debug mode. In this case each register and memory state is shown on the console. For a list of supported assembly commands and their semantics please see the human-readable source code in emu/
- Implement code generation for record field access
- Deal with Strings (fix 64 bytes?)
- Implement system calls in the parser
- Implement file operations in the VM and in the parser
- Implement symbol table taking care of type sections and forward type declarations
- Check out the tests if they work and if not, why
- Do whatever is missing for self-compiling
* Szabolcs Gruenwald --
* Reinhold Kolm --