Python implementation of FortiToken registration and TOTP token extraction
PhobGCC-doc Public
Forked from PhobGCC/PhobGCC-docDocumentation for the PhobGCC
UpdatedFeb 3, 2024 -
fido2-pin-disable-extension Public
An extension to transparently disable the PIN requirement on FIDO2/Passkeys implementations
developer-portal Public
Forked from smashgg/developer-portalA place for developers interested in smash.gg's API
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 25, 2023 -
RawTherapee Public
Forked from Beep6581/RawTherapeeA powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 13, 2023 -
rtorrent Public
Forked from rakshasa/rtorrentrTorrent BitTorrent client
evilginx2 Public
Forked from kgretzky/evilginx2Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
libtorrent Public
Forked from rakshasa/libtorrentlibTorrent BitTorrent library
gentoo Public
Forked from gentoo/gentoo[MIRROR] Official Gentoo ebuild repository
Shell UpdatedFeb 27, 2023 -
xDrip Public
Forked from NightscoutFoundation/xDripNightscout version of xDrip+
entrust-identityguard-tools Public
Tools for playing with Entrust IdentityGuard soft tokens, such as decrypting QR codes and deriving OTP secrets
Responder Public
Forked from lgandx/ResponderResponder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authenticat…
access-control Public
A reference of the different types of access control card readers and which countries they're commonly found in
teamviewer-optionshash Public
Information and tools for working with the TeamViewer OptionsPasswordHash value
google-photos-delete-tool Public
Forked from mrishab/google-photos-delete-toolTool for deleting all photos from the Google Photos
ghidra-findcrypt Public
Forked from TorgoTorgo/ghidra-findcryptGhidra analysis plugin to locate cryptographic constants
proxmark3-rfidresearchgroup Public
Forked from RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3RRG / Iceman repo, the most totally wicked repo around if you are into Proxmark3 and RFID hacking
vdf-runner Public
Tool for running Steam/SteamWorks `.vdf` install files manually
seafile-server Public
Forked from haiwen/seafile-serverSeafile Server Core
C Other UpdatedMay 13, 2021 -
docs-api Public
Forked from gogs/docs-apiA repository for Gogs API v1 documentation.
UpdatedJan 16, 2021 -
Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service
keyvalues Public
Forked from Galaco/keyvaluesSource engine KeyValue format parser (e.g. gameinfo.txt, vmt, vmf)
bencode.py Public
Forked from fuzeman/bencode.pySimple bencode parser (for Python 2, Python 3 and PyPy)
Python Other UpdatedOct 20, 2020 -
unicorn Public
Forked from unicorn-engine/unicornUnicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, X86)
plex-update-checker Public
Emails me whenever an update for Plex Media Server is released
Python UpdatedDec 13, 2019 -
kimchi Public
Forked from kimchi-project/kimchiAn HTML5 management interface for KVM
ioncube-string-decoder Public
Hacky script(s) for decoding strings stored in the ioncube loader