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Releases: ssbc/ssb-server


23 Dec 15:05
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Add gossip.friends option that can be used together with ssb-friend-pub to only connect to pubs run by your friends.


24 Nov 20:29
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Added warning about ssb-links. ssb-links is not used in scuttlebot internally so in order allow greater flexibility it will be removed in a future version.

To install it outside scuttlebot install it as a plugin: sbot plugins.install ssb-links and enable it in config:

  "plugins": {
    "ssb-links": "links2"

A --disable-ssb-links option was added to allow users to disable the internal plugin in order to avoid the indexing overhead if not needed.

The plugin is known to be used in git-ssb (for named command only), patchfoo and ssb-npm; if you use any of these please consider install ssb-links as a plugin.


12 Sep 13:02
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Allows one to specify --external when creating invites so as to not having to set it in config, or to specify which external hostname to use.


./bin.js invite.create --uses 5 --external


11 Sep 09:57
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This new release contains mostly features in upstream modules secret-stack and multiserver. Two new plugins has been added: the unix transport and the noauth transform. Unix can be used to create a socket connection to sbot and noauth is for local connections where the overhead of shs is overkill.

Furthermore incoming and outgoing connections can now be specified in ssb-config.

To create invites one now needs to define an incoming connection with public scope that has either a host or external defined.