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This role downloads any RHEL ISO from the Red Hat Customer Portal (or really any ISO) and optionally implants a Kickstart file into a custom ISO which is build from the downloaded ISO.

The role requires a checksum to be set. This checksum can be retrieved for any ISO on the Red Hat Customer Portal and can be found on the respective download page of the ISO. To download an ISO from the Red Hat Customer Portal you need to be a Red Hat subscriber. If you don't own any subscriptions, you can make use of Red Hat's Developer Subscription which is provided at no cost by Red Hat.

Once you are able to download from the Red Hat Customer Portal, you need to create a Red Hat API Token and pass it to this role via api_token. This role is loosely based on the instructions provided by Red Hat which explain how to download ISO images via curl from Red Hat's Customer Portal. These instructions can be reviewed here

Please note, despite the metadata at meta/main.yml specifying EL (Enterprise Linux) this role specifically works only for RHEL ISOs. It can probably be modified to work also with Alma Linux or Rocky Linux, but that's a task somebody else needs to take care of, as I don't use either of those RHEL clones. The process of creating the custom ISO, however, should remain the same (untested).

Unfortunately, specifying RHEL as the operating system in meta/main.yml is not possible, as there is no distinction made between the RHEL clones and RHEL itself.

I have probably not tested every combination possible with the variables. If you find an issue, feel free to raise it or provide a pull request to fix it.

Provided with this role is an example Kickstart (for both UEFI and BIOS types of systems) that can be used as a start to building your own. This Kickstart implements the recommended Red Hat Satellite file system layout 1

The example-uefi.ks can be used for both UEFI and BIOS systems, but is a little more complexer due to the nature of supporting both UEFI and BIOS. Including also the example.ks which only supports BIOS.

Role Variables

variable default required description
api_token unset true API token to use to authenticate against the Red Hat Customer Portal
boot_cat_path isolinux/ false relative path from temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to the file
checksum unset true checksum of the ISO to download
cleanup_iso false false whether to clean up the downloaded ISO
cleanup_work_dir false false whether to clean up the work directory defined in temporary_work_dir_path
create_uefi_image false false whether an UEFI image should be created
custom_iso_group root false group of the custom ISO to apply
custom_iso_mode 0600 false owner of the custom ISO to apply
custom_iso_owner root false chmod of the custom ISO to apply
dest_dir_path {{ playbook_dir }} false destination directory for the custom ISO
dest_dir_owner root false owner of the parent directory for the custom ISO
dest_dir_group root false group of the parent directory for the custom ISO
dest_dir_mode 0755 false chmod of the parent directory for the custom ISO
dest_iso_filename original ISO name + -ks.iso false filename to use for the custom ISO
download_directory {{ playbook_dir }} false directory to store the downloaded ISO in
download_directory_group root false group of the downloaded ISO to apply
download_directory_mode 0600 false owner of the downloaded ISO to apply
download_directory_owner root false chmod of the downloaded ISO to apply
download_timeout 3600 false timeout for the download (in seconds)
enable_fips false false whether to enable FIPS compliant cryptography
force_recreate_custom_iso true false whether to delete the custom ISO before recreating it
grub_cfg_path isolinux/grub.conf false relative path from temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to the grub.conf file
grub_menu_selection_timeout 5 false defines how long to wait in the GRUB menu before using the default boot option
implantisomd5_package_name isomd5sum false package name that provides the implantisomd5 command
implant_md5 true false whether to implant an MD5 into the custom ISO that can be checked
iso_group root false group of the downloaded ISO to apply
isolinux_bin_path isolinux/isolinux.bin false relative path from temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to isolinux.bin file
iso_mode 0600 false chmod of the downloaded ISO to apply
iso_owner root false owner of the downloaded ISO to apply
kickstart_path unset false path to the kickstart file to put into the ISO
kickstart_root_password unset false root password to set to in the provided kickstart
kickstart_hostname unset false Hostname the system that boots the kickstart should have
ksvalidator_package_name pykickstart false name of the package that provides the command ksvalidator
post_sections Check in defaults/main.yml false List of post sections to include into the kickstart
pxelinux_cfg_path isolinux/isolinux.cfg false relative path from temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to isolinux.cfg
quiet_assert true false whether to quiet asserts
redhat_portal_auth_url Check in defaults/main.yml false URL to the Red Hat Portal to authenticate against
redhat_portal_download_base_url Check in defaults/main.yml false base URL for image downloading from the Red Hat Customer Portal
rsync_package_name rsync false name of the package that provides the command rsync
temporary_mount_path /mnt false path to a temporary (empty) mount point to mount the downloaded ISO to
temporary_work_dir_path {{ playbook_dir }}/workdir false temporary directory which will be used to extract the ISO files to
temporary_work_dir_path_group root false group of the temporary directory to apply
temporary_work_dir_path_mode 0755 false chmod of the temporary directory to apply
temporary_work_dir_path_owner root false owner of the temporary directory to apply
temporary_work_dir_source_files_path src false relative path from the temp dir which will contain the files added to the ISO
temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_group root false group of temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to apply
temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_mode 0755 false chmod of temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to apply
temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_owner root false owner of temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to apply
uefi_image_path images/efiboot.img false relative path from temporary_work_dir_source_files_path to the UEFI image
users unset false list of users to create during kickstart
validate_kickstart true false whether to validate the provided kickstart (if provided)
xorriso_package_name xorriso false name of the package that provides the command xorriso


A note on force_recreate_custom_iso: This variable defines whether to delete the custom ISO before recreating it. Once the custom ISO file exists, it won't be recreated, even if there are changes. That's because creating the ISO makes use of the command module and thus the operation is not idempotent, nor can it be checked whether the ISO should be recreated due to changes.

Note on users and post_sections: The users variable can be used to deploy users during kickstart. If those users have one or more authorized_keys set, and the default value of post_section is kept or extended, these users will have the set authorized keys deployed in home (also a variable for the users list) within the .ssh/authorized_keys file.

Please also note, that by default, all plays in a task that could reveal a secret value have the no_log: true option set to ensure no sensitive data is logged anywhere. If you debug the playbook, please comment the no_log: true portion of that specific task.

Variables users and post_sections

An extended example of only the users variable is illustrated down below:

  - name: 'ansible-user'          # name of the user (required)
    gid: 2000                     # ID of the user group to create (with the same name as the user name)
    uid: 2000                     # ID of the user
    gecos: 'Ansible User'         # user's description/comment 
    create_user_group: true       # whether to create a user group (with a specific gid or without)
    groups:                       # additional groups to add the user to - these need to *exist*
      - 'wheel'
    shell: '/bin/bash'            # login shell to use
    home: '/home/remote-ansible'  # home directory
    privileged: true              # enables creation of a sudoers.d file which grants sudo privileges without a password (created by the post section template 'post__users.j2')
    lock: false                   # whether to lock the user
    password: !vault |            # the user's password. If not specified, the user account is locked by default!
    authorized_keys:              # SSH public keys to add to the user's authorized_keys file (~/.ssh/authorized_keys)
      - !vault |
      - !vault |

The only required option for a user is the name. Everything else can be mixed and matched.

An example of the post_section (which represents the default value):

  - name: 'User creation'        # will be used by Ansible as the 'beginning- and end marker' (see ansible.builtin.blockinfile)
    template: 'post__users.j2'   # the actual template to use

  - name: 'FIPS'
    template: 'post__fips.j2'

  - name: 'Autorelabel'
    template: 'post__autorelabel.j2'

It is important to understand that %post sections in Kickstart are evaluated top to bottom. So User Creation is the first %post-section and Autorelabel the last. To extend the current default with your own %post sections you could specify the following in e.g. your host_vars:

post_sections: >
     _def_post_sections +
         'name': 'Custom %post section'
         'template: 'custom_post.j2'
         'name': 'Another %post section'
         'template: 'another_post.j2'

If you want to make it more readable and don't mind duplicating the definition of _def_post_sections:

  - name: 'User creation'
    template: 'post__users.j2'

  - name: 'FIPS'
    template: 'post__fips.j2'

  - name: 'Autorelabel'
    template: 'post__autorelabel.j2'

  - name: 'Custom %post section'
    template: 'custom_post.j2'

  - name: 'Another %post section'
    template: 'another_post.j2'

Depending on the value of implant_md5, different menu entries are selected when booting from the ISO:

  • When implant_md5 is set to false the ISO will be booted without checking the MD5 (which would fail)
  • When implant_md5 is set to true the ISO will be booted with which will calculate the MD5 checksum of the ISO and compare it against the implanted one


This role makes use of the Ansible Posix collection. Depending on whether certain actions are required, the role needs to install the following packages:

  • rsync: To extract files from mounted ISO to work directory
  • xorriso: To create a custom ISO
  • isomd5sum: To implant a MD5 checksum into a custom ISO
  • pykickstart: To validate a given Kickstart file Depending on whether a custom ISO is created (when implanting a kickstart), the package xorriso is installed. Further, implanting a MD5 checksum into the custom ISO requires the package isomd5sum.

Example Playbook

Complex example

- hosts: 'localhost'
  gather_facts: false
    - name: 'sscheib.rhel_iso_kickstart'
    # the checksum of a RHEL 8.8 ISO to download from the Red Hat Customer Portal
    checksum: '517abcc67ee3b7212f57e180f5d30be3e8269e7a99e127a3399b7935c7e00a09'
    download_directory: '/home/steffen/workdir'
    download_timeout: '3600'
    kickstart_path: 'example.ks'
    validate_kickstart: true
    ksvalidator_package_name: 'pykickstart'
    kickstart_hostname: ''
    temporary_mount_path: '/mnt'
    temporary_work_dir_path: '/home/steffen/workdir'
    temporary_work_dir_path_owner: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_path_group: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_path_mode: '0755'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path: 'src'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_owner: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_group: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_mode: '0755'
    dest_dir_path: '/home/steffen'
    xorriso_package_name: 'xorriso'
    isolinux_bin_path: 'isolinux/isolinux.bin'
    boot_cat_path: 'isolinux/'
    pxelinux_cfg_path: 'isolinux/isolinux.cfg'
    grub_cfg_path: 'isolinux/grub.conf'
    download_directory_owner: 'steffen'
    download_directory_group: 'steffen'
    download_directory_mode: '0755'
    cleanup_iso: false
    cleanup_work_dir: false
    iso_owner: 'steffen'
    iso_group: 'steffen'
    iso_mode: '0600'
    custom_iso_owner: 'root'
    custom_iso_group: 'root'
    custom_iso_mode: '0755'
    force_recreate_custom_iso: true
    grub_menu_selection_timeout: 3
    implant_md5: false
    implantisomd5_package_name: 'isomd5sum'
    quiet_assert: false
    enable_fips: true
    post_sections: >
         _def_post_sections +
             'name': 'Custom %post section',
             'template': 'custom_post.j2'
             'name': 'Another %post section',
             'template': 'another_post.j2'
      - name: 'ansible-user'
        gid: 2000
        uid: 2000
        gecos: 'Ansible User'
        create_user_group: true
          - 'wheel'
        shell: '/bin/bash'
        home: '/home/remote-ansible'
        privileged: true
        lock: false
        password: !vault |
          - !vault |

          - !vault |
    kickstart_root_password: !vault |
    api_token: !vault |

Download ISO only

- hosts: 'localhost'
  gather_facts: false
    - name: 'sscheib.rhel_iso_kickstart'
    # the checksum of a RHEL 8.8 ISO to download from the Red Hat Customer Portal
    checksum: '517abcc67ee3b7212f57e180f5d30be3e8269e7a99e127a3399b7935c7e00a09'
    download_directory: '/home/steffen/workdir'
    download_timeout: '3600'
    download_directory_owner: 'steffen'
    download_directory_group: 'steffen'
    download_directory_mode: '0755'
    iso_owner: 'steffen'
    iso_group: 'steffen'
    iso_mode: '0600'
    api_token: !vault |

Download ISO and enable FIPS mode

- hosts: 'localhost'
  gather_facts: false
    - name: 'sscheib.rhel_iso_kickstart'
    # the checksum of a RHEL 8.8 ISO to download from the Red Hat Customer Portal
    checksum: '517abcc67ee3b7212f57e180f5d30be3e8269e7a99e127a3399b7935c7e00a09'
    download_directory: '/home/steffen/workdir'
    download_directory_owner: 'root'
    download_directory_group: 'root'
    download_directory_mode: '0755'
    iso_owner: 'root'
    iso_group: 'root'
    iso_mode: '0600'
    validate_kickstart: false
    temporary_mount_path: '/mnt'
    temporary_work_dir_path: '/home/steffen/workdir'
    temporary_work_dir_path_owner: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_path_group: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_path_mode: '0755'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path: 'src'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_owner: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_group: 'root'
    temporary_work_dir_source_files_path_mode: '0755'
    dest_dir_path: '/home/steffen/workdir'
    custom_iso_owner: 'root'
    custom_iso_group: 'root'
    custom_iso_mode: '0755'
    force_recreate_custom_iso: true
    implant_md5: true
    enable_fips: true
    api_token: !vault |

