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MonetDB NodeJS connector version 1.*

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This NodeJS module provides an easy and powerful way to use MonetDB inside your NodeJS programs.

For version 0.* users:

Example usage

var MDB = require('monetdb')();

var options = {
	host     : 'localhost', 
	port     : 50000, 
	dbname   : 'mydb', 
	user     : 'monetdb', 
	password : 'monetdb'

var conn = new MDB(options);

conn.query('SELECT * FROM mytable').then(function(result) {
    // Do something with the result



There are three flavors of setting options:

  1. providing global options
  2. providing local options
  3. changing local options

Let's look at how we could use these flavors to setup connections for multiple users:

// We set the global option 'dbname' to 'db', for all connections
var MDB = require('monetdb')({dbname: 'db'});

// We can now create two connections for different users
// Both connections will use the globally set 'dbname' option
var conn1 = new MDB({user: 'foo', password: 'bar'});
var conn2 = new MDB({user: 'dumb', password: '0000'});

// Now let's change a local option of conn1 
// (which is only possible for non-connection specific options)
conn1.option("setMaxReconnects", 1);

In general, the order in which options are consider is:

  1. local
  2. global
  3. default (if available)

The MonetDB NodeJS module recognizes many options. You do not need to know them all. There is only one option that does not have a default value, and that is the database name (dbname).

The available options can be subdivided into several categories:

Connection options

These options are used to make the actual connection to MonetDB. Note that these options can not be changed with the MonetDBConnection.option method. If you want to change these settings on an open connection, just construct a new connection.

Option Type Default Additional description
host string localhost
port integer 50000
dbname string No default value for this one.
user string monetdb
password string monetdb
language string sql The language of the issued queries. Should be one of sql/mal.
defaultSchema string sys The default schema to set the connection to after connecting.
timezoneOffset integer offset of current timezone The offset in minutes that holds for the required timezone. See connection timezone for more info.
autoCommit boolean true Set auto_commit flag

Reconnection options

These options are used to determine how to reconnect whenever a connection fails.

Option Type Default Additional description
maxReconnects integer 10 The maximum number of reconnect attempts after a connection failure. Set to 0 if you do not want to reconnect on connection failures.
reconnectTimeout integer 2000 The timeout used in between reconnect attempts.

Query options

These options influence the way queries are executed.

Option Type Default Additional description
prettyResult boolean false The value for this option will be the default value for how query results are returned. This can be overwritten on a per-query basis. See pretty results for more info.


The MonetDB NodeJS module comes with a very extensive logging functionality. It distinguishes between many types of different messages, and allows you to fully customize the way the MonetDB NodeJS module deals with log messages when they occur. See the logging section for more information.

Option Type Default Additional description
logger function console.log This function will be used by all of the default logging functions.
warnings boolean true Whether or not to log warnings. It is highly adviced to keep this set to true, otherwise you will not be notified on e.g. unrecognized options or reconnection attempts.
warningFn function See logging section Warning messages will be passed to this function when they occur.
debug boolean false Whether or not to log general debug messages.
debugFn function See logging section Debug messages will be passed to this function when they occur.
debugRequests boolean false Whether or not to log requests (SQL or MAL) when they resolve.
debugRequestFn function See logging section SQL or MAL requests, including their results, will be passed to this function when they occur.
debugMapi boolean false Whether or not to show the Mapi messages that are being sent back and forth between the MonetDB NodeJS module and the MonetDB server.
debugMapiFn function See logging section Mapi messages will be passed to this function when they occur.


Options provided solely for testing.

Option Type Default Additional description
testing boolean false When set to true, some additional (undocumented) methods will be exposed, e.g. to simulate socket failures.


Getting a MonetDBConnection object is easy:

var MDB = require('monetdb')();

// MDB is a constructor function; let's construct a MonetDBConnection object, shall we?
var conn = new MDB({dbname: 'mydb'});

// conn now is a MonetDBConnection object

All of its exposed attributes and methods are listed here:


Constructor for a MonetDBConnection object, that takes an optional options object. For possible options, see the options section.

Throws an error when the provided options object is not ok.


Instance of MapiConnection. This attribute will be managed by the MonetDBConnection object, so in normal cases you should not use this. Only if you want to e.g. fire raw queries against the database, you might want to reference it directly. Just in case you are wondering, here is the documentation.


This method links to MapiConnection.connect

Open the connection to the MonetDB server.

Returns a promise that resolves when the connection succeeded, and gets rejected with an error message otherwise. Note that you do not have to wait for the connection promise to be resolved before issueing queries, since incoming queries will be properly cached.


Alias for MonetDBConnection.connect.

.query(query, [params], [prettyResult])

Issue a query against the database. For a simple example, see here.

Argument Type Required Description
query string yes The query you want to run. In case language is sql, this should be a valid SQL query.
params array no If this array is given, a prepared statement will be used under the hood. Very useful if you want to easily protect against SQL injection.
prettyResult boolean no If this is set to true, the query result will be prettified. If not given, the default from the options is used. See the pretty result section for more info.

Example of a query with parameters:

var MDB = require('monetdb')();

var conn = new MDB({dbname: 'mydb'});

    'SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE c < ? AND d > ?', 
    [40, 102]
).then(function(result) {
    // Do something with the result

Returns a promise that resolves with an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
data array[array|object] If this is the result of a SELECT query, this property contains the resulting data returned by the database. Every array entry represents one row of the result set. If the 'prettyResult' option was set to true, every array entry will be an object, where the object properties equal the column names. Otherwise, the array entries will be arrays containing just the column values.
col object Object maps column names to query result indices. So if you for example did SELECT a, b FROM ... you can access b in a tuple array by issuing tuple[result.col.b], which in this case would resolve to tuple[1].
rows integer The number of rows in the result set.
cols integer The number of columns in the result set.
structure array[object] An array containing an object for every column, with column information.
structure[i].table string The name of the table to which column i belongs.
structure[i].column string The name of column i.
structure[i].type string The database type of column i.
structure[i].typelen integer The length in the database of column i.
structure[i].index index The array index of column i, which will equal i.
queryid integer A unique identifier for this query.
type string The type of the result (currently only 'table' is supported).


Stream monetdb response.


var MDB = require('monetdb')();

var conn = new MDB({dbname: 'mydb'});

function test_stream (conn, sql) {
    let result;
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			.on('error', (err) => {
				return reject(err);
			.on('header', (header) => {
                "add header to result"
			.on('data', (data) => {
				"add data to result"
			.on('end', () => {
                "all rows being received"

.request(query, [params], [prettyResult])

Alias for MonetDBConnection.query.

.prepare(query, [prettyResult])

Prepares a query for repeated execution, and generates execution and release convenience functions.

Argument Type Required Description
query string yes The query that has to be prepared. If it does not start with prepare (case insensitive), 'PREPARE ' will be prepended to the query.
prettyResult boolean no If this is set to true, the exec function will return prettified results. If not given, the default from the options is used. See the pretty result section for more info.

Returns a promise that resolves with an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
prepare object The regular query result for the PREPARE statement, as is described under MonetDBConnection.query.
exec function A function that executes the prepared statement. As its first and only argument, it takes an array of values. It returns a promise equivalent to the promise returned by MonetDBConnection.query.
release function A parameterless function that you can call when you want to free the resources used by the prepared statement. After calling this function, calls to the exec function will fail. This function does not return anything. You cannot be notified of whether or not this worked.


var MDB = require('monetdb')();

var conn = new MDB({dbname: 'mydb'});

conn.prepare('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE c < ? AND d > ?').then(function(prepResult) {
    // execute query twice
    prepResult.exec([10, 5]).then(function(result) {
        // do something with the result
    prepResult.exec([50, -20]).then(function(result) {
        // do something with the result
    // we are done, release it (and do not wait for it, release method does not return a promise)


Get the connection environment. Example:

var MDB = require('monetdb')();

var conn = new MDB({dbname: 'mydb'});

conn.env().then(function(env) {

Will output:

	"gdk_dbpath": "/home/robin/dbfarm/test",
	"gdk_debug": "0",
	"gdk_vmtrim": "no",

.option(name, [value])

Get or set an option.

Argument Type Required Description
name string yes The name of the option. See the option section for the recognized options.
value depending on option no If this argument is provided, it is assumed that you want to set the option to this argument. Note that setting options is not possible for connection options. The connection options are mentioned in the option section.

Throws an error if either the provided option is not found, or if the provided value is invalid.

If the second argument is omitted, the value of the option is returned.


This method links to MapiConnection.getState

Get the current state of the connection. For normal usage you will never need to use this.

Returns one of the following state strings:

State Meaning
disconnected There is currently no open connection, either because it has never been opened yet, or because a reconnect is going on.
connected There is an open connection to the server, but authentication has not finished yet.
ready There is an open connection to the server, and we have successfully authenticated. The connection is ready to accept queries.
destroyed The connection is destroyed, either because it was explicitly destroyed by a call to MonetDBConnection.destroy, or because of a failure to keep the connection open.

Regardless of the return value of this method, you can safely issue queries to the connection, since they will be properly queued until the connection is ready.


This method links to MapiConnection.close

Finishes all the current queries in the queue, and then destroys the socket by calling MonetDBConnection.destroy. After closing a connection, it cannot be reopened. If reopening is desired, you should create a new MonetDBConnection object.

When queries are issued after calling close, they are still accepted and put into the queue, so a connection remains active until it becomes idle.

Note that when you have issued a query with parameters, this will under the hood be executed in two steps (one prepare step and one execution step). If the close method is called after firing a prepared statement, it might therefore fail because the socket can be destroyed after finishing the first step.

Returns a promise that resolves when all queries in the queue are done and the socket is destroyed.


Alias for MonetDBConnection.close.


This method links to MapiConnection.destroy

Fails all queries currently in the queue (including the one that is currently being executed), and destroys the socket.

Argument Type Required Description
msg string no An error message that will be sent to all queries that are rejected. If none is given, a default error message is sent.


This method is added for backward compatability. For information on how to use it, see the updates page.

Pretty query results

By default, every row in a query result is represented by an array. However, if the pretty flag is set, the query result will instead be an array of objects, where every object has the column names as its properties. This makes using the result a lot more intuitive and fault-tolerant (e.g. if you hard code indices into row arrays, your code might start failing when you change the SQL query). The default value of the pretty flag can be overwritten by providing the global or local option 'prettyResult'. Even then, you can override this default value on a per query basis, by providing a boolean value as last argument to either the MonetDBConnection.query or the MonetDBConnection.prepare function. Example:

var MDB = require('monetdb')();

var conn = new MDB({dbname: 'mydb'});

// we did not set the option 'prettyResult', hence we will pass true to our queries to have them return prettified results.
conn.query("SELECT a, b FROM yourtable").then(function(result) {

Outputs (depending on the values of columnns a and b and the number of resulting tuples):

    { a: 'val1', b: 'val2' },
    { a: 'val3', b: 'val4' }

Connection time zone

For every connection that is opened to the server, the timezone is automatically set to the current timezone of the system that opens the connection. You can change this behavior by passing a value for the option 'timezoneOffset'. The value for this option represents the number of minutes to deviate from GMT. This value is used by MonetDB to present timestamps with timezone. Example:

var MDB = require('monetdb')();

// Create two connections with different time zone

// One GMT+02:00
var conn1 = new MDB({timezoneOffset: 120, dbname: 'mydb'});

// And one GMT-03:30 (= -210 minutes)
var conn2 = new MDB({timezoneOffset: -210, dbname: 'mydb'});


conn1.query('SELECT NOW').then(function(result) {
    //[0][0] will be something like '2015-11-02 08:11:31.000000+02:00'

conn2.query('SELECT NOW').then(function(result) {
    //[0][0] will be something like '2015-11-02 02:45:56.000000-03:30'


As you can see from the options section, there are many logging options. By default, only warning messages are logged, and console.log is used for this. The following types of log events can occur:

  1. Warnings
    • Unrecognized options
    • Connection failures
    • Queries are issued before calling connect()
  2. Debug messages
  3. Resolved requests
  4. Mapi messages

You can manipulate whether or not these events are logged or not, and which functions are used to do this. For all of these events, a default log function is specified in utils.js Every log function receives as its first argument the logger that it should use, where the logger simply takes a string and logs it somewhere. By default, the logger is console.log. You can change this in the options.

In case you want to overwrite the default log functions, here are the function signatures:

options.warningFn(logger, msg)

Argument Type Description
logger function The logger that is used, which defaults to console.log but can be specified through the options.
msg string The message to write to the provided logger.

options.debugFn(logger, msg)

Same as options.warningFn

options.debugRequestFn(logger, request, error, result)

Argument Type Description
logger function The logger that is used, which defaults to console.log but can be specified through the options.
request string The request message (SQL query string in case this request is an SQL query)
error Error null
result Object null

options.debugMapiFn(logger, type, msg)

Argument Type Description
logger function The logger that is used, which defaults to console.log but can be specified through the options.
type string Either 'TX' for transmitted messages, or 'RX' for received messages.
msg string The string that was communicated over the socket.


MonetDB Node.js client







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