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WORKAROUND singularity

Steve Brasier edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

Currently ohpc-base-compute package won't install as it declares it requires a singularity package which doesn't exist. A hacky workaround is to run the below, but this needs to be AFTER slurm.yml has failed once, as that installs the necessary OHPC repos. A proper fix is pending ...

- hosts: compute
  become: yes
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Install dependencies for ohpc-base-compute
      # from dnf repoquery --requires ohpc-base-compute
          - binutils
          - cairo-devel
          - libicu
          - libpciaccess
          - libpsm2
          - librdmacm
          - libseccomp
          - libunwind
          - numactl
          - perl-interpreter
          - python3
          #- singularity doesn't exist, it's called singularity-ce (EPEL) or singularity-ohpc
    - name: Install ohpc-base-compute
        cmd: rpm -Uvh --nodeps $(repoquery --archlist=x86_64 --location ohpc-base-compute-2.6)
      register: _rpm_ohpc_base_compute
        - _rpm_ohpc_base_compute.rc != 0
        - "'is already installed' not in _rpm_ohpc_base_compute.stderr"
      changed_when: "'is already installed' not in _rpm_ohpc_base_compute.stderr"

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