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A repo containing image to backup & restore mongodb snapshots


Running as a single container

docker run -d \
  --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=awsaccesskeyid \
  --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=awssecretaccesskey \
  --env BUCKET=s3bucket
  --env BACKUP_FOLDER=a/sub/folder/path/ \
  --env INIT_BACKUP=true \
  --env \
  --env MONGODB_PORT=27017 \
  --env MONGODB_USER=admin \
  --env MONGODB_PASS=password \

If you link stakater/mongo-backup-restore-s3 to a mongodb container with an alias named mongodb, this image will try to auto load the host, port, user, pass if possible. Like this:

docker run -d \
  --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=myaccesskeyid \
  --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=mysecretaccesskey \
  --env BUCKET=mybucketname \
  --env BACKUP_FOLDER=a/sub/folder/path/ \
  --env INIT_BACKUP=true \
  --link my_mongo_db:mongodb \

Running in K8s

mongo-restore.yaml contains a manifest for StatefulSet which includes a pod running two containers. The first container is the actual mongodb server that is used by the application and the second is the backup sidecar container. This manifest can be used for any deployment of mongo db instance which includes the automatic backup/restore capabilities. By default AWS credentials and bucket name is fetched from the secret named mongo

To use it in k8s configure the variables (in Secrets or manifest) and use the following command to deploy:

kubectl apply -f mongo-restore.yaml -n <namespace>


Environment Variables Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID aws access key id (for your s3 bucket)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aws secret access key (for your s3 bucket)
BUCKET s3 bucket name
BACKUP_FOLDER name of folder or path to put backups (eg myapp/db_backups/). defaults to root of bucket.
MONGODB_HOST the host/ip of your mongodb database
MONGODB_PORT the port number of your mongodb database
MONGODB_USER the username of your mongodb database. If MONGODB_USER is empty while MONGODB_PASS is not, the image will use admin as the default username
MONGODB_PASS the password of your mongodb database
MONGODB_DB the database name to dump. If not specified, it will dump all the databases
EXTRA_OPTS any extra options to pass to mongodump command
CRON_TIME the interval of cron job to run mongodump. 0 1 * * * by default, which is every hour at 0 mins like 1:00, 2:00...
TZ timezone. default: US/Eastern
CRON_TZ cron timezone. default: US/Eastern
INIT_BACKUP if defined, create a backup when the container launched
INIT_RESTORE if defined, restore from latest when container is launched
DISABLE_CRON if defined, it will skip setting up automated backups. good for when you want to use this container to seed a dev environment.



This repository is not created through terraform