A template for quickly building Electron applications based on Vite and ESbuild.
- 🚀 Fast
- ⚡ Main process reload
- ✈ Multi platform build, based on Github Actions
- 🎉 Minify product size
- 🍛 Two
structure, Click here see more
degit starknt/starter-electron projectName
cd projectName && pnpm install
pnpm dev
or click here
.-- root path
|-- .github
| |-- workflows # Github Actions
|-- .vscode
|-- app
| |-- compat # web and electron environment compat code
| |-- electron # electron code
| |-- web # web ui
|-- buildResources # build resources
|-- packages # like monore
|-- release # release application
| |-- app # install application native module
| | |-- .npmrc
| | |-- package.json
| |-- build # packaged application
|-- scripts # build application script
|-- tests # tests files
|-- $electron-builder.json # electron-builder configuration
|-- alias.ts # vite and esbuild alias file
|-- eevi.config.ts # eevi config file
|-- .eslintignore # eslint ignore files
|-- .eslintrc # eslintrc
|-- .gitignore # gitignore
|-- .npmrc #
|-- tsconfig.json # tsconfig.json
|-- tsconfig.node.json # tsconfig.node.json
|-- tsconfig.test.json # tsconfig.test.json
|-- README_en.md
|-- README.md
|-- vite.config.ts