- continue to make memes using Neal's face.
- promote every Code Academy post on Built in Chicago.
- show up for class on time, every time, but if I'm late, apologize to Jeff.
- say "rake db:migrate" in Jeff's voice whenever possible.
- RSVP to geekfest on gathers.us instead of just show up for lunch.
- meet with my mentor when I'm supposed to.
- treat my mentor with the utmost respect and kindness.
- close all my windows and programs when I'm done at an iMac.
- pair with someone I don't know each class until I know all my classmates.
- write a blog post every week about my progress in Code Academy.
- turn my ringer off before class starts (including vibrates).
- not text or check my email while class is in session.
- not whisper or talk while Jeff is teaching.
- throw out my empty coffee cups and wrappers.
- do whatever Jeff gives us for homework.
- not delete files from the Dropbox.
- clean up the kitchen and help out as much as possible.
- build what I learned in class from scratch, and then do it again.