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lua-miniz - Lua module for miniz support

This module add deflate/inflate and zip file operations support to Lua
language. some code from luvit's miniz module, thanks for that work!

This module has the same license with Lua (the Lua license here[1]).
note that the modified version of miniz.c has its own license (see miniz.c file).



use your fabourite compiler to build lminiz.c and miniz.c, get miniz.dll


local miniz = require "miniz"


miniz.adler32([string[, prev: number]]) -> number
miniz.crc32([string[, prev: number]]) -> number
    calculate adler32 and crc32 checksum for string. without arguments, give a
    initialize checksum.

    local a = miniz.crc32("hello")
    local b = miniz.crc32("world", a)
    -- a is the checksum of "hello", and b is the checksum of "helloworld"

miniz.compress(string[, level: number[, window_size: number]]) -> [string]
miniz.decompress(string[, window_bits: number]) -> [string]
    compress/decompress string, use given flags.
    when window_size and window_bits are negature, the compress result will
    not include a zlib-compatible header.

miniz.compress([level: number[, window_size: number]]) -> [stream]
miniz.decompress([window_bits: number]) -> [stream]
    create a new compress/decompress stream,

    when compress:
    output, eof, input_bytes, output_bytes = stream(string[, flush])
    where flush are "sync", "full" or "finish"

    when decompress:
    output, eof, input_bytes, output_bytes = stream(string)

    same as lua-zlib module.

miniz.zip_read_file(filename: string[, flags: number]) -> [miniz.ZipReader]
miniz.zip_read_string(content: string[, flags: number]) -> [miniz.ZipReader]
    read a zip from file (given filename) or content string.

    flags: (from miniz.c)
	0x100: case sensitive file name in zip file.
	0x200: ignore path of file in zip.
	0x400: file is compressed data.
	0x800: do not sort central directory in zip file.

miniz.zip_write_file(filename: string[, reserved: number]) -> miniz.ZipWriter
miniz.zip_write_string([reserved: number[, init_size: number]]) -> miniz.ZipWriter
    write files to a zip file or a string.
    reserved is the reserved size before zip file itself. init_size is the
    first allocated memory for write file content. 

#ZipReader -> number
ZipReader:get_num_files() -> number
    get the file count in zip file.

ZipReader[idx:number] -> string
ZipReader:get_filename(idx:number) -> string
    get the idx-th file name in zip file.

ZipReader:close() -> boolean
    close zip file, return success or not.

ZipReader:locate_file(filename: string) -> number
    get the index from file name

ZipReader:stat(idx: number) -> table
    get file information from given index.

    returned table fields:
	index: index of file
	version_made_by: zip version
	version_needed: extract file need version
	bit_flag: flags of file
	method: compress method
	time: file time
	crc32: file crc32 checksum
	comp_size: compressed size
	uncomp_size: uncompressed size
	internal_attr: internal attribute
	external_attr: external attribute
	filename: filename
	comment: comment

ZipReader:is_file_a_directory(idx: number) -> boolean
    return whether given idx of file is a directory.

ZipReader:get_offset() -> number
    get the start offset of zip file in given file/string.

ZipReader:extract(idx: number[, flags: number]) -> [string]
ZipReader:extract(filename: string[, flags: number]) -> [string]
    extract a file from zip. flags see miniz.zip_read_file()

ZipWriter:close() -> boolean
    close a zip file

ZipWriter:add_string(path: string, content: string[, comment: string[, flags: number]]) -> ZipWriter
ZipWriter:add_file(path: string, filename: string[, comment: string[, flags: number]]) -> ZipWriter
    add a file to zip.

ZipWriter:add_from_zip_reader(src: miniz.ZipReader, idx: number) -> ZipWriter
    add a file from zip reader to zip.

ZipWriter:finalize() -> string
ZipWriter:finalize() -> ZipWriter
ZipWriter:finalize() -> nil, string
    finalize the write of zip. if zip writer is created from zip_write_string,
    then the result string is returned; if zip writer is created from
    zip_write_file, then ZipWriter itself is returned, otherwire a nil and a
    error message is returned.


Lua module for miniz support






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