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Hotel Customer Activity Web Application


Semestrial student project for the course "Introduction to Databases" taught at ECE NTUA 2021. Essentially, a PHP - MySQL application that manages a hypothetical hotel with NFC-enabled access for every room and tracks the activity of customers who have been (possibly) infected with COVID-19. Graded 100/100.

Tools Used

  • MariaDB 15.1
  • Apache Server 2.4.47-1
  • PHP 8.0.6
  • HTML-CSS-Javascript
  • Bootstrap 5
  • jQuery Datatables
  • Python 3.9


  • Basic hotel management operations
    • View customer information
    • Insert new customer
    • Make a room reservation
    • Enroll customer in non-free services
    • Check out a customer
  • Customer activity statistics per age group
    • Most visited places
    • Most used services
    • Charges per service
  • COVID-19
    • View the visit log of customer infected with COVID-19
    • Find out other possibly infected customers

Relational Diagram

alt text

Installation on localhost

  1. Get the Apache/MySQL/PHP stack

  2. Clone the codebase

    $ git clone

  3. Import the database from the latest dump located in database/dumps

  4. Alter the file db_connect.php to match your root credentials

  5. Use the application by visiting http://localhost/


  • Odysseas Boufalis
  • Anna Douska