An Arduino timer with a buzzer alarm, control buttons, an analog thermometer and LCD/7Seg Displays
There are a few discrepancies between the schematics and the actual design as not everything was available in TinkerCad. An Arduino Uno is used instead of the Arduino Mega 2560 that is needed, the 4 digit 7-segment display is replaced by 4 single digit 7-segment displays and also the thermistor is replaced by a TMP sensor
Looks like a bomb innit
Features a start/stop button, buttons to add or remove time, indicator LEDs and most importantly an analog thermometer so you can tell just when the bomb has gone off
- [1x] Arduino (Arduino Mega 2560 is preferrable however an Uno works in a pinch)
- [1x] Breadboard
- [1x] Piezo Buzzer
- [3x] Pushbutton
- [1x] 100 Ω Resistor
- [3x] 220 Ω Resistor
- [1X] 1 kΩ Resistor
- [3X] 10 kΩ Resistor
- [8X] 330 Ω Resistor
- [1x] 4 Digit 7-Segment Display
- [2x] Red LED
- [1x] Green LED
- [1x] MCP23008-based, 32 LCD 16 x 2 (I2C)
- [1x] Thermistor (10k)
Approximate Unit Price (2023, aliexpress) = 7,2€