Allow your users to overwrite default config.
$ npm install --save config-overwrite
The function requires two parameters, both can be an object or a path as a string. The first parameter is the global config which you provide, the second will be the local overwrite. The local file only needs to contain the keys to be overwritten.
If a version key is provided in both config files, the function will check if they are the same. If the versions do not match, the process wil be exited.
var configoverwrite = require('config-overwrite');
var config = require('./config.json');
var configuration = configoverwrite(config, './config.local.json', function(err, response) {
if (err)
console.log ('error', err.message, err.stack)
return response
"version": "1.0.0",
"fist": "Hello",
"second": "Hey",
"third": {
"sub": "Sub levels work too",
"sub-two": "Let's try"
"version": "1.0.0",
"first": "Bye",
"third": {
"sub-two": "See, it works"
"version": "1.0.0",
"fist": "Bye",
"second": "Hey",
"third": {
"sub": "Sub levels work too",
"sub-two": "See, it works"
v1.1.0 - 2017-12-15
- function can be called by configoverwrite() instead of configoverwrite.generate()
- If a version key is provided in your config, the
v1.0.0 - 2017-11-24
- Initial release