vrp is a collection of code related to the vehicle routing problem
data is passed to and from the program using json files. For an example of file structure see included data folder.
vrp currently supports the capacitated vehicle routing problems without time windows. Delivery locations are currently accepted as miles from the depot which is assumed to be at coordinates of (0,0) Delivery truck speed is currently fixed at 45mph based on straight line distance.
- download code or clone repository
- change directory into vrp folder
- install python
- call vrpSchedule to schedule your routing problem
yourName-MBP:vrp yourName$ python3 vrpSchedule.py -o data/orders.json -t data/trucks.json -i 10000
for an explanation of available options call vrpSchedule -h option
stephans-MBP:vrp stephan$ python3 vrpSchedule.py -h
usage: vrpSchedule.py [-h] [-v] [-o ORDERS] [-t TRUCKS] [-i [ITERATIONS]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
-o ORDERS, --orders ORDERS
orders to be scheduled as a json file
-t TRUCKS, --trucks TRUCKS
trucks to be scheduled as a json file
-i [ITERATIONS], --iterations [ITERATIONS]
number of iterations to run