This Go package can load, compose and render HTML templates. It's a small layer on top of 'html/template'.
- fluent API: easily compose templates into sets
- auto-reloading: reload templates on page refresh
- redefinition: define a default and overwrite it later
- validation: ensure completeness at time of creation (not rendering)
- helper functions: e.g. use 'runTemplate' to execute an arbitrary template
- caching: templates are only parsed once
import ""
// specify template source directories, enable auto-reload
conf := html.Config{Directories: []string{"views"}, AutoReload: true}
// scan for available templates
loader, _ := html.NewLoader(conf)
// create two sets: a re-usable and a specific one
baseSet := loader.NewSet().Add("layout", "partials/header", "partials/footer")
helloSet := loader.NewSet().AddSet(baseSet).Add("pages/hello")
// create executable view, making sure all template placeholders are defined
view := helloSet.ViewMust()
// execute the template and print the result to a Writer
http.HandleFunc("/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
view.Write(w, "World")
- render any error to HTML (+ display snippet of template source)
- add method to trigger a re-build of all views
- allow custom template file extension (other than .html)
- allow custom template parser
go get