Inhuman Murder mystery party game for 1-5 players. What a fun way to play with friends or solo set the scene in 1 of 5 planets. You can choose your Character actor or create your own. When the user clicks on the planet, a pop-up window will deploy to have you select the Character actor, and then when all 5 players have entered the game it begins.
Our focus was to offer a fun twist to the traditional murder Mystery and connect with your friends, it's simple and user friendly. We especially wanted to reach a broad audience and be age-inclusive and accessible. We thought even those that don't know of the Inhumans characters could identifiable with at least one or create their own.
This repository contains a food application called Recipe Pal, which is powered by Javascript, Materialize CSS Framework, jQuery, and Google Fonts.
The following animation shows the web application's appearance and functionality:
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Bootstrap CSS v.4.5
- Bootswatch Lumen theme - theme on top of Bootstrap framework
- express
- express-handlebars
- sequelize
- mysql2
- multer - node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files.
This application was created by: