A Clojure library designed to explore strange new words, to seek out new scripts and new characters, to boldly code in a charset no man has coded in before.
Write clojure code using emoji.
: 🚴take
: 👊10
: 🔟
emojinius.core=> (def 🏁 (🚴 [:🚙 :🚗 :🚕 :🚓 :🚜]))
emojinius.core=> (👊 🔟 🏁)
-> (:🚙 :🚗 :🚕 :🚓 :🚜 :🚙 :🚗 :🚕 :🚓 :🚜)
: 🔁recur
: ⤴*
: ✖-
: ➖println
: 📠when
: ⌚-❓
(🔁 [💵 (✖ 🔟 🔟)]
(⌚-❓ (> 💵 🔟)
(📠 💵)
(⤴ (➖ 💵 🔟))))
Add [emojinius "0.1.0"]
to the dependencies vector.
(ns program
[:use emojinius.core])
(defn -main []
(📠 "🙋"))
Pull requests and dogecoins welcome. (DM3oLs8QcAaMu5UtYrroWjeKBiaTqevPzj)
Copyright © 2014 Stian Eikeland
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.