An experimental repo to explore container management of docker containers as an alternative or supplement to systemd services.
In short this repo seeks to take full advantage of the statelessness of containerized systems. By wrapping applications in containers incrementing versions should be trivial, regardless of which versions a system has run before. It should also give added bonuses in terms of logging and transparency in terms of which containers have access to which devices. Finally it offers modification of application arguments and clean restarts in a handy manner and also hides away the docker daemon from malicious users.
- Ensure you have installed docker, see:
- Build the proof-of-concept images, and manager backend and frontend applications using
SYS_VER=image_v0.0.5 docker compose build
- Start up the
applications in the background using ?docker compose up manager-api manager-web -d
- Navigate to localhost:5000
Build images: docker compose build arg-poc
Run specific image: docker compose up arg-poc
Run all images: docker compose up
- if branch is tagged to match regex:
, start deploy image pipeline, regarding tag naming, see conventions: So to tag and create images from ci, use:
git tag -a image_v0.0.1 -m "example tag to trigger build"
git push origin <tag_name>
Given that they have been generated by the ci, as specified by tag above it should be possible to pull images by:
SYS_VER=0.0.1 docker compose pull
Regarding image size etc., docker is excellent at layered pulls, that means it will reuse most of the parts of the images pulled. So at the initial pull alpine is around 700MB for one image, after that it's much smaller.
docker login --username username
docker tag my-image username/my-repo
docker push username/my-repo
docker build -t appname -f dockerfilepath/Dockerfile .
docker login --username username
docker tag appname username/registryname:tagname
docker push username/registryname:tagname
docker login --username username
docker pull stianlaa/dev-docker-repo:first-tag
There might be an alternative to do docker login upon setup. Docker login creates or updates the ~/.docker/config.json file for you.
- api to manage services (e.g. for management from web)
- maybe there are node modules which provide the integration out-of-the-box Node packages to interact with docker:
Removing unknown containers
sudo aa-remove-unknown
docker container kill $(docker ps -q)
Rust doesn't automatically handle sigterm signal, docker by default emits sigkill which works after 10 seconds
To emit sigkill with a shorter delay, --time option can be used
docker stop <container> --time=1
It seems that docker daemon communications ideally over socket, and a webserver should exist to map and forward http requests, much the same way a systemd setup might have to. It is possible to expose the docker daemon, but not recommended, and this would entail extra work in frontend:
- replace compose and sub objects with own object
- make api casing consistent
- consider how SYS_VER might best be set
- make tests, look into integration tests, mocking away dockerworker
- read example compose file, serialize it, (with camelCase)
- fix refreshing on containerpage
- consider protecting some containers from being stopped from frontend
- make example app which uses camera
- make example app testing logging capability
- make example apps which interact over network
- what is running is containers, and should be named so, to distinguish them from systemd services
- instead of integrating directly with docker-compose, introduce endpoint for list of containers, this allows for docker changes in the future without adapting frontend
- similarly, keep mapping layer between docker-api and docker endpoint