LoadGitHubData queries data from GitHub and caches it in [data.json]. You can either run this class from your IDE, or with Maven:
mvn clean install exec:java -Pgithub
One thing to remember is GitHub rate-limits API requests, so updating the data to frequently can temporarily block you.
It's also possible to do a partial update:
mvn clean install exec:java -Pgithub -Dupdate=all|areas|issues|prs|prs-wait|failed-jobs|retried-prs
Generally when contributing you should not include the updates to data.json
, as this is updated every 6 hours by
a GitHub Action.
Dashboard uses the cached data to create the static dashboard. You can either run this class from your IDE, or with Maven:
mvn clean install exec:java -Pdashboard
As the dashboard works on the cached data it is also more convinient to update the dashboard, unless of course you want to add additional data. In this case you should add the new data first, then start using it in the dashboard second.
Styles are in docs/styles.css
alongside the generated dashboard to make it as easiy as possible to tune the styles
without having to generate the dashboard repeatedly.
Run the following to link a failed job to a GitHub Issue:
mvn clean install exec:java -Preport-failed-job -Djob="<JOB REF>" -Dissue=<ISSUE NUMBER>
For example: If it's the only job failing for the workflow run (or all failed jobs are linked to the same issue) run:
mvn clean install exec:java -Preport-failed-job -Djob="7384490397" -Dissue=123456
For example: If there are multiple failed jobs for the workflow run then specify the job as well:
mvn clean install exec:java -Preport-failed-job -Djob="5651128174/WebAuthn IT (firefox)" -Dissue=123456