Sync malicious IP addresses to AbuseIPDB service. Initially designed for serverless (like AWS Lambda) but can be used on any Virtual Machine with python.
- Cloud One Workload Security reporting IPS detections to the Vision One
- Vision One account
- Abuseip DB account
- Python + dependencies:
- requests
- json
- sys
- os
- ipaddress
- datetime
- dateutil
Following Environment variables must configured
- TMV1QUERYPERIODTYPE = acceptable values: days, weeks or months
- TMV1QUERYPERIODVALUE = numerical value that comes together with previous, i.e. 1 or 2 The variables will be combined to the single dict {"months":1}. Don't overquery, if you run your script once a day - days:1 is a decent scope. If both values not set - the default days and 1 will be used.
- TMV1APIKEY = Trend Micro Vision One API Key (
Uncomment the last line lambda_handler('a','b')