Updated Adc pins config (#103 )
Fuguit support (#102 )
Updated stm32g0 crate to version 0.14.0 for cortex-m-rt 0.7.x support (#105 )
Temporary disabe DMA on stm32g081xx (#107 )
Clippy CI (#108 )
Feature/i2c nonblocking (#98 )
UART pins & RS485 (#109 )
Correct the APB frequency calculation(#111 )
Use full 32 bits when computing elapsed time (#113 )
Fix configuration of PLLQ and PLLP (#114 )
Add support for using PLLQ with TIM1/TIM15 (#115 )
Make sure system isn't clocked from PLL before disabling it (#118 )
Allow querying of actual PWM frequency (#117 )
Low-power wakeup feature & GPIO refactoring (#116 )
Fix compilation of examples with fault handlers (#119 )
Serial/USART improvements (#122 )
Correct clock sources for SYST (#120 )
SYSCFG support (#123 )
ADC improvements (#121 )
Clock bypass (#126 )
I2C interrupt support (#124 )
External clocks for timers (#128 )
RTC alarm & calibration output (#129 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.