Fixes and Changes
Added panel option to follow Rack's dark panel setting
Modules 8FACE, 8FACEx2
Allow disabling of "long-press" for changing the number of active slots (#354 )
Module 8FACE mk2
Allow disabling of "long-press" for changing the number of active slots (#354 )
Added HSL color picker for bound modules' box
Fixed broken module-id mapping when adding using STRIP or STRIP++
Fixed crash while exceding 0..10V in Volt-mode (#377 )
Increased maximum number of expanders to 15
Added missing reset-handling for "Trigger random", "Trigger pseudo-random" and "Trigger random walk"
Module GLUE
Module GRIP
Fixed broken parameter locking (#360 )
Module GOTO
Fixed broken zoom behavior when jumping by buttons on the panel
Improved smooth transition speed on long distances (#376 )
Module MB
Fixed crash on exiting Rack's after adding MB (#352 )
Fixed wrong hotkey modifier on Mac (Ctrl instead of Cmd) on Space-key
Added missing template loading after adding a module (#369 )
Module ROTOR mod A
Fixed occasional crashes (#365 )
Module SAIL
Fixed occasional crash (#358 )
Module STRIP
Fixed crash in rare cases (Surge-modules) (#366 )
Fixed wrong hotkey modifier on Mac (Ctrl instead of Cmd) on Cmd+Shift+L
Module STRIP++
Fixed wrong hotkey modifier on Mac (Ctrl instead of Cmd)
Added commands "Zoom to specific module" and "Zoom to specific module (smooth)" (#357 )
Fixed wrong hotkey modifier on Mac (Ctrl instead of Cmd)
Fixed broken "Zoom to module" and "Zoom toggle" commands (#382 )
Module SPIN
Fixed middle mouse button handling in Rack v2 (#372 )
Allow disabling of "long-press" for changing the number of active snapshots (#354 )
Increased maximum number of expanders to 15 (#381 )
Added missing reset-handling for "Trigger random", "Trigger pseudo-random" and "Trigger random walk"
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