Short & simple micropython scripts
Access to Blynk service via REST API
function init( token )
Store authorization token to use with others functions.
token - authorization token.
function write_pin( pin, value )
Write a value to pin.
pin - pin name (must be string like "V0", "V1").
value - a value to be writen to pin.
function read_pin( pin )
Read a pin value.
pin - pin name to read
Function return pin value or string with error description if any occur.
function notify( message )
Sends a notification to android blynk app with given message.
message - message text to send
function is_app_connected()
Function check if android app is connected with blynk service.
Function returns strings "true" or "false" (they are not boolean logical values)
from blynk import blynk
blynk.write_pin("V0", 12.5)
blynk.notify("test message")
if blynk.is_app_connected() == "true":
print("app online")
Access to service via REST API
function init( username, aio )
Initialize library with username and adafruit AIO key.
username - your username.
aio - your AIO access key.
function write_feed( feed_name, value )
Write a value to feed
feed_name - your adafruit feed name.
value - value to sent to given feed
function read_feed(feed_name)
Read last stored value from given feed.
feed_name - your adafruit feed name.
from adafruit import adafruit
adafruit.write_feed('FEED_NAME', 23.5)
print( adafruit.read_feed('FEED_NAME') )
Access to thingspeak service via REST API
function init( channel_id, read_key, write_key )
Initialize library with your channel id number and access keys.
channel_id - your thingspeak channel id number
read_key - your thingspeak read access key
write_key - your thingspeak write access key
function write_channel( channel_number, value )
Write a value to thingspeak given channel number.
channel_number - channel number (1-8)
value - a value to write to given channel number
Function returns a three type of value:
-1 when errors occur.
0 when data was rejected due to sending more than once every 15 seconds.
integer number when data was stored. This is the next entry id of the message sent to channel.
function read_channel( channel_number )
Read last stored value from given channel number.
channel_number - channel number (1-8)
If any error occurs function return a -1 value.
from tspeak import tspeak
tspeak.write_channel( 1, 123.5)
# wait 15 seconds before sending next data to the next channels
print( tspeak.read_channel(1) )
Access to synoptic data via REST API
- create account on
- after create account and login click "add new app" and get API Key
- open
- fill field apikey with your api key and q with your city name to search in Query Parameters section
- click Send this request
function init(apikey, cityid)
Initialize the library with Api key and city id number. You must run this function before use other functions from this library.
apikey - your account apikey
cityid - your city id number
function refreshData()
Get actual synoptic data from and store them to later use by read... functions. In free trial account there is a 50 requests per day limit.
Return temperature for your city
function readWeatherText()
Return text description of weather for your city like "Sunny", "Cloudy" etc.
function readWeatherIcon()
Return only icon number (not icon) according to actual weather in your city. Icon list:
function readIsDayTime()
Return True if in your city is a day time otherwise return False
function readLocalObserwationDate()
Return a local date of obserwation in your city. Return string in format YYYY-MM-DD
function readLocalObserwationTime()
Return a local time of obserwation in your city. Return string in format HH:MM:SS
All of read functions return proper data or text description of error if any occur.
from accuweat import accuweat
accuweat.init( 'ACCUWEATHER_API_KEY', 265168)
print( accuweat.readTemperature() )
print( accuweat.readWeatherText() )
print( accuweat.readWeatherIcon() )
print( accuweat.readIsDayTime() )
print( accuweat.readLocalObserwationTime() )
print( accuweat.readLocalObserwationDate() )
Access to Polish synoptic data service via REST API
Downloading synoptic data from the service for a given station id and store it in memory for later use.
station_id - your station (city) id number
List of station id's and city names - imgw.csv
All the functions described below return the stored data retrieved by the function acquireData.
function getStationID()
Return station id number.
function getStationName()
Return station name (city).
function getMeasurementDate()
Return measurement date (string formated as YYYY-MM-DD).
function getMeasurementTime()
Return hour of measurement time (string formated as HH).
function getTemperature()
Return temperature (°C).
function getWindSpeed()
Return wind speed (m/s).
function getWindDirection()
Return wind direction (azimuth/angle i'm not sure ).
function getRelativeHumidity()
Return relative humidity (%RH).
function getTotalRainfall()
Return total rainfall (mm).
function getPressure()
Return pressure (hPa).
Text descriptions in example are in Polish due to the website offering only data for Polish cities.
import imgw
print('id stacji: ' + imgw.getStationID())
print('nazwa stacji: ' + imgw.getStationName())
print('data pomiaru: ' + imgw.getMeasurementDate())
print('godzina pomiaru: ' + imgw.getMeasurementTime() + ':00')
print('temperatura: ' + imgw.getTemperature() + ' °C')
print('prędkość wiatru: ' + imgw.getWindSpeed() + ' m/s')
print('kierunek wiatru: ' + imgw.getWindDirection() + ' °')
print('wilgotność: ' + imgw.getRelativeHumidity() + ' %')
print('suma opadów: ' + imgw.getTotalRainfall() + ' mm')
print('ciśnienie: ' + imgw.getPressure() + ' hPa')
Sending push message thru service via REST API. Only a message push was implemented.
send_notification(private_key, device, title, message, sound, vibration, icon )
Send notification to device with message.
Returns 1 when message is sent or 0 when any error occured.
private_key - your private key
device - target device message id
title - title of message
message - message to sent
sound - (1-62) which played sound number (0 = silent)
vibration - how ofyen may vibrate (0-3)
icon - icon number (1-177)
import pushsafer
pushsafer.send_notification( 'KEY', 'DEVICEID', 'Message title', 'Message content', 1, 1, 1 )