StorageOS client for Mac/Linux/Windows.
See also Command Line Reference.
The CLI client needs to know the StorageOS server address, username and password. This config can be passed via command line flags, or environemnt variables:
% storageos env
The StorageOS CLI allows the user to provide their own defaults for some configuration settings through environment variables.
Available Settings:
STORAGEOS_ENDPOINTS Sets the default StorageOS API endpoint for the CLI to connect to
STORAGEOS_API_TIMEOUT Specifies the default duration which the CLI will give a command to complete
before aborting with a timeout
STORAGEOS_USER_NAME Sets the default username provided by the CLI for authentication
STORAGEOS_PASSWORD Sets the default password provided by the CLI for authentication
STORAGEOS_USE_IDS When set to true, the CLI will use provided values as IDs instead of names for
existing resources
STORAGEOS_NAMESPACE Specifies the default namespace for the CLI to operate in
STORAGEOS_OUTPUT_FORMAT Specifies the default format used by the CLI for output
sudo -i
curl -skSL > /usr/local/bin/storageos
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/storageos
sudo -i
curl -skSL > /usr/local/bin/storageos
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/storageos
Run storageos
to get usage information.