Lightweight helper for authenticating with Hubspot’s OAuth2. Mimics a small part of Google’s oauth2client API for convenience.
pip install hubspot_oauth2client
Given your Django setup has an URL pattern named "home" with no parameters, and three following settings:
HUBSPOT_OAUTH_SECRET = 'path/to/hubspot_client_secret.json'
Path to a JSON file containing a single object
{"client_id": "...", "client_secret": "..."},
where ID and secret are specific to your Hubspot app
(find them in your developer’s dashboard).
List of OAuth 2.0 scopes as string identifiers.
Key under which Django will store serialized access/refresh
credentials in ``request.session`` for later
authenticated API calls on behalf of the user.
A fairly complete implementation of a hubspot_oauth
could look like this:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import requests
from django import http
from django.urls import reverse
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from hubspot_oauth2client import client
log = logging.getLogger('django.hubspot_oauth')
def hubspot_oauth(request):
With no parameters, initiates OAuth 2.0 flow.
If ``code`` parameter is present in GET query,
assumes user has been redirected from Hubspot
and attempts to exchange that code
for access & refresh tokens.
Obtained credentials are stored in session
in serialized form.
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(
auth_code = request.GET.get('code', None)
if auth_code:
if settings.HUBSPOT_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS_SESSION_KEY in request.session:
del request.session[settings.HUBSPOT_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS_SESSION_KEY]
credentials = flow.step2_exchange(auth_code)
except client.CodeExchangeError:
log.exception("Hubspot rejected OAuth2 code")
"Couldn’t authenticate Hubspot right now. Try again?")
except client.BadCodeExchangeResponse:
log.exception("Bad OAuth2 code exchange response")
"Couldn’t authenticate Hubspot right now. Try again?")
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
log.exception("Error reaching Hubspot to exchange OAuth2 code")
"Couldn’t reach Hubspot to complete authentication. "
"Try again?")
request.session[settings.HUBSPOT_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS_SESSION_KEY] = (
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home'))
auth_uri = flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(auth_uri)
Given that you only need to define an URL pattern pointing to this view, and your app can direct users to it when necessary to initiate OAuth 2.0 flow.
Per our view implementation, access token is stored in request.session
in serialized form after user completes the authentication successfully.
You can use those access credentials to make authenticated API calls later.
Here’s a somewhat abridged example in which we obtain a list of all contacts available to the portal user has selected during authentication:
import urllib
import requests
from django import shortcuts
from hubspot_oauth2client import client
def get_contacts(request):
creds_blob = request.session.get(settings.HUBSPOT_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS_SESSION_KEY)
if creds_blob:
creds = client.OAuth2Credentials.from_json(creds_blob)
if not creds.access_token_expired:
get_query = {'property': ['country', 'hs_lead_status']}
query=urllib.urlencode(get_query, do_seq=True),
), headers={
'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(creds.access_token),
return shortcuts.redirect('hubspot_oauth')
If you need to make authenticated Hubspot API calls
in absence of request.session
(for example, from
an async task), you would want to:
Alter the above code to use another storage (like a Redis key) and tie credentials to user identifier explicitly
when possible after access token expires (otherwise user would have to authenticate with Hubspot every few hours)
- Implement token refresh functionality out of the box
Fixed a method reference in OAuth2Credentials class
Tested in production
- Initial implementation