UPDATE 2020+06-30: Now you can load comments from facebook live. Replace "dock.html" file and code injected into facebook page (from file "paste into 'CSS and Javascript Injection' on Facebook page.txt").
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc0cyKdevxo
Install this extension in Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/css-and-javascript-inject/ckddknfdmcemedlmmebildepcmneakaa
If you use "new" facebook layout, switch to older version
Open Facebook page in Chrome. Click on installed extension (yellow syringe icon) and in tab "Javascript" paste this code: https://pastebin.com/nhUFTL4R
It will:
- add button "copy" to every comment
- add listener, which will copy the content of the comment when clicking blue "copy" button (beware: it will overwrite your clipboard content!)
You can check it by clicking on blue "copy" button and pasting the content of your clipboard into notepad.
- Open files "dock.html" and "browser_source.html" in Chrome.
- Go to "View"->"Docks"->"Custom browser docks"
- Type "FB comments" in "Dock name" column
- Copy (from Chrome adress bar) location of file "dock.html" and paste into "URL", apply and close - now you got your control panel, you can dock it in OBS.
- Add new "Browser" source, copy (from Chrome adress bar) location of file "browser_source.html" and past the adress into "URL" field.
To copy / show comment in OBS:
- click on blue "copy" button on Facebook page
- paste the comment into field in OBS
- click "Load" - preview should load below
- click one of two "Show with template" buttons
- you can also add some icons to comment
When you click on textarea, previous content will be erased.