An experiment to see how small a memory footprint we can get to for a simple static HTTP server.
As features grow it is getting bigger but the goal is still to keep it as small as possible.
Docker images available on DockerHub:
For a React site or similar web application set --not-found-filename index.html
on the command line.
- v1: Basic static HTTP server.
- v2: Added prometheus metrics, healthcheck URL (/health by default), and custom 404 content (404.html by default).
- v3: Return 404 for dodgy-looking requests.
- v4: More dodgy-looking requests now get a 404.
- v5: Return 404 for directory list requests. Added Apache-style request logging to stdout (enabled by default).
- v6: Log the IP address from X-Forwarded-For if present.
- v7: Improved (corrected) Apache-style request logging.
- v8: Default to not serving hidden files and folders.