- Flashing Ubuntu 16.04 to Beaglebone (on Ubuntu 16.04).
- Setup beaglebone (wifi, gpio, miscellaneous).
- Install ROS Kinetic.
- Install ROSwan.
- Additional tools (optional).
- Install ROS Kinetic. Please refer to ROS wiki.
- Install ROSwan.
Change environment variables in .bashrc
export THRUSTER=trex_driver
export IMU=os5000
export GPS=gps
export CONTROLLER=diff_controller
export MAP=pandan
Connect to Angsa wifi and launch minimal configuration for navigation:
roslaunch swan_bringup minimal.launch
Run loiter (in a new terminal):
rosrun r2c2 captain_loiter_test
Run missions (in a new terminal):
rosrun r2c2 captain_mission_test
The missions points are specified in mission_points.json
After setting up the remote computer, you can run rviz
or rqt
to visualize the swan. The rviz and rqt configurations are stored inside visualization tools folder.
- swan_bringup: All the launch files and parameters for operation excluding parameters for move_base.
- swan_driver: Drivers for the swan including compass and thruster.
- swan_controller: There are 3 packages inside this folder.
- swan_controller: A controller node that handles PID and differential drive.
- swan_localization: Estimate odometry base on command and dynnamic property or compass and gps.
- swan_sim Some nodes that were used for testing.
- swan_navigation: Parameters for the nav stack and move_base. Nav stack tuning guide:
- r2c2: Command and control . It is not fully written yet currently. The ones inside this package are written only for field trial testing.
- bag: bag files from field trial.
- visual_tools: rqt and rviz plugins (Only for remote computer).
- swan_msgs: custom msgs. (Used only for PID tuning currently.)
For more details please refer to the README inside each package