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An extra minimal parent class for web components.

This extends the native HTMLElement, adding some methods to help with events.

See a live demonstration


npm i -S @substrate-system/web-component



Create a component

Use the factory function to create a new web component.

import { WebComponent } from '@substrate-system/web-component'

class AnotherElement extends WebComponent.create('another-element') {
    constructor () {

    connectedCallback () {
        this.innerHTML = `<div>
            hello again

customElements.define(AnotherElement.NAME, AnotherElement)

The new component will have a property NAME on the class that is equal to the name you passed in. The component name should be kebab case.

Add the component to the DOM

document.body.innerHTML += '<another-element></another-element>'

Listen for events

Use a helper method, WebComponent.event(name:string), to get a namespaced event name.

// find the instance
const el = document.querySelector('my-element')

// listen for namespaced events
el?.addEventListener(MyElement.event('hello'), ev => {
    console.log(ev.detail)  // => 'some data'

// listen for non-namespaced events
el?.addEventListener('hello', ev => {
    console.log(ev.detail)  // => 'some data again'

Emit a namespaced event from the instance

// find the instance
const el = document.querySelector('my-element')

// dispatch an event
el?.emit('hello', { detail: 'some data' })  // => `my-element:hello`

Emit a plain string (not namespaced) event

Don't namespace the event name, just emit the literal string.

const el = document.querySelector('my-element')

// dispatch an event as plain string, not namespaced
el?.dispatch('hello', { detail: 'some data again' })  // => `hello`



This exposes ESM and common JS via package.json exports field.

const { WebComponent } = import '@substrate-system/web-component'

Common JS

const { WebCompponent } = require('@substrate-system/web-component')


emit(name:string, opts:{ bubbles?, cancelable?, detail? }):boolean

This will emit a CustomEvent, namespaced according to a convention.

The return value is the same as the native .dispatchEvent method,

returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.

Because the event is namespaced, we can use event bubbling while minimizing event name collisions.

The naming convention is to take the NAME property of the class, and append a string :event-name.

So emit('test') dispatches an event like my-element:test.

class MyElement {
    NAME = 'my-element'  // <-- for event namespace
    // ...

// ... then use the element in markup ...

const el = document.querySelector('my-element')

// 'my-element:test' event
el.addEventListener(MyElement.event('test'), ev => {
    console.log(ev.detail)  // => 'some data'

// ... in the future ...

el.emit('test', 'some data')  // dispatch `my-element:test` event

See also, Custom events in Web Components

dispatch (type, opts)

Create and emit an event, no namespacing. The return value is the same as the native .dispatchEvent method,

returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.

That is, it returns true if it was not preventDetaulted.

dispatch (type:string, opts:Partial<{

dispatch example

const el = document.querySelector('my-element')
el.dispatch('change')  // => 'change' event

event (name:string):string

Return the namespaced event name.

event example

MyElement.event('change')  // => 'my-element:change'


A convenient shortcut to element.querySelector.

qs (selector:string):HTMLElement|null


Shortcut to element.querySelectorAll

qsa (selector:string):ReturnType<typeof document.querySelectorAll>


const myElement = document.querySelector('my-element')
debug('the namespaced event...', MyElement.event('aaa'))

// query inside the element 
const buttons = myElement?.qsa('button')



Check if an element name has been used already.

function isRegistered (elName:string):boolean


import { isRegistered } from '@substrate-system/web-component'

if (!isRegistered('example-component')) {
    customElements.define('example-component', ExampleComponent)


Start a localhost server:

npm start


npm test

See also