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. See CVE-2019-11730 for more details.
Presented at KCD DC 2024, this brief talk covers the changes in the OCI distribution-spec and image-spec v1.1.0 releases.
This is an overview of the OCI image and distribution specs, along with a description of the regclient tooling.
This is a walk-through and demonstration of the OCI reference type working group result. It shows how artifacts like SBOMs and signatures can be associated with images in an OCI registry.
How to use OCI Layout in CI pipelines to work with images before pushing them. This also covers SBOMs, vulnerability scanning, and image signing, before the image is publicly available.
This is an overview of what it takes to build a secure software supply chain, to tooling available, and where development is still in progress. This also covers the value of reproducible builds.
This is a workshop on setting up your own local registry mirror, including the process to garbage collect stale images.
Covering containers, images, networks, volumes, security, and building images. These slides are still under development.
Images as they are saved on a registry, covering manifests, configs, and layers.
Shows how to use regctl, regsync, and regbot from the regclient projects.
How to use registry mirroring and caching to optimize your image registry, reducing time to build and deploy, while also saving bandwidth.
Covering multi-stage, buildkit, buildx, and multi-architecture images from the perspective of a Go user.
Note, this talk is from DockerCon 2018 EU and is a continuation on the "Tips and Tricks of the Docker Captains" theme that was first started by Captain Adrian Mouat. Check out his talk from DockerCon 2018 in San Francisco.
There was also a webinar given based on the above talk. Slides are almost identical to those above:
I use the player from:
The following commands are used to build a recording:
# Install asciinema: apt-get install asciinema # Setup a window: printf '\e[8;26;100t' # set window size to 100x26 tmux new-session -s preso PS1='\n\$ ' # minimal prompt # After windows are setup, detach from tmux (Ctrl-B D) # Create a recording: asciinema rec name.cast -i 3 -c "tmux attach -t preso" # Stop the recording by detaching (Ctrl-B D) # Tip: Edit the recording to remove the last few milliseconds of the detach # Replay the recording: asciinema play name.cast
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