The fourth project written for the academic purposes of a Hexlet's course on learning a programming language Python.
View the work of the Task Manager on Heroku
Task Manager is an Internet application that can be used by several users at the same time. Implemented registration and authorization. Tasks have labels and statuses.
git clone
cd python-project-lvl4
make install
For the application to work, you need to create a file .env in the root of the project.
Then open the file and set any value for the SECRET_KEY='anything'
If you want to enable debug mode, then set for the DEBUG=Yes
make runserver
If you want to use the PostgreSQL, then set for environment variable the DB_POSTGRES=True
Then the required values for the following variables:
make migrate
Rollbar is used for logging.
Set for environment variable the ACCESS_TOKEN='token_of_your_account_in_rollbar'
If you want to change the language to English, then in task_manager/settings change the value of LANGUAGE_CODE=en
If you want to add another language, then use the following guide. Start right away with the chapter "Create translations with Django"