Sun* Auth is a library designed to provide authentication and authorization features for web/mobile applications. It is built using modern technologies and provides a range of features that make it easy to integrate into existing applications.
One of the key reasons for using Sun* Auth is its ease of use. It provides a simple library that makes it easy to add authentication and authorization to any application. Additionally, it is designed to be highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor it to their specific needs.
Using Sun* Auth saves time and effort for developers, as we do not have to independently write and test complex authentication and authorization features. Additionally, Sun* Auth provides a simple and easy-to-understand library that makes it easy to integrate into existing web/mobile applications.
Some of the features provided by Sun* Auth include user registration and login, password reset and recovery.
Require the package via Composer:
composer require sun-asterisk/php-auth
Add the service provider to the providers array in the config/app.php config file as follows:
# config/app.php
return [
// ...
'providers' => [
// ...
Publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SunAsterisk\Auth\SunServiceProvider" --tag=sun-asterisk
// bootstrap/app.php
mkdir -p config
cp vendor/sun-asterisk/config/sun-asterisk.php config/sun-asterisk.php
use SunAsterisk\Auth\Factory;
$configs = config('/path/to/sun-asterisk.php')
$factory = (new Factory)->withConfig($configs);
$service = $factory->createAuthJwt();
mkdir -p config
cp vendor/sun-asterisk/config/sun-asterisk.php config/sun-asterisk.php
return [
'auth' => [
| Attribute login
| E.g. 'email or username'
'login_username' => 'email',
| Attribute field_credentials
| Use 1 of the list for authentication
| E.g. 'username or email or phone'
'field_credentials' => [
| Attribute token_payload_fields
| Use the items in the list to create an access token
| E.g. 'id or email'
'token_payload_fields' => [
| Attribute login
| E.g. 'password or passwd'
'login_password' => 'password',
| Model login
| E.g. 'App\Models\User::class or App\Models\Admin::class'
'model' => App\Models\User::class,
| Token forgot password
| Default 5 minutes
| E.g. '5'
'token_expires' => 5, // minutes
| Key for jwt access token
| E.g. 'xxxx'
'jwt_key' => 'jwt_key',
| Key for jwt refresh access token
| E.g. 'xxxx'
'jwt_refresh_key' => 'jwt_refresh_key',
| TTL for jwt
| Default 60 minutes
| E.g. '60'
'jwt_ttl' => 60, // minutes
| TTL for refresh access token
| Default 20160 minutes
| E.g. '60'
'jwt_refresh_ttl' => 20160, // minutes
| use Socialite Providers for social login
| Default false
'enabled_social' => false,
We will take an example of usage in Laravel.
Inside the config/auth.php file you will need to make a few changes to configure
'guards' => [
'api' => [
'driver' => 'sun',
'provider' => 'users',
Add auth:api middleware to routes that require login authentication
'middleware' => 'auth:api',
], function ($router) {
// routes
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use SunAsterisk\Auth\Contracts\AuthJWTInterface;
class AuthController extends Controller
protected AuthJWTInterface $service;
public function __construct(AuthJWTInterface $service)
$this->service = $service;
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use SunAsterisk\Auth\Contracts\AuthSessionInterface;
class AuthController extends Controller
protected AuthSessionInterface $service;
public function __construct(AuthSessionInterface $service)
$this->service = $service;
POST /login
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
username | string | true | username for user |
password | string | true | password for user |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
refresh_token | string | true | refresh_token for user get access_token |
access_token | string | true | access_token for user logged |
token_type | string | true | token_type for user logged |
expires_at | integer | true | expires_at for user logged |
Usage with JWT
public function login(Request $request)
$params = $request->only(['username', 'password']);
// use service package
$rs = $this->service->login($params, [], function ($entity) {
return $entity->only(['id', 'email', 'username']);
return response()->json($rs['auth']);
Usage with Session
public function showLoginForm()
return view('auth.login');
public function login(Request $request)
$params = $request->only(['email', 'password']);
$this->service->login($params, [], function ($entity) {
return redirect()->intended('home');
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/login' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "user1234",
"password": "passwordRequired@123"
"refresh_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC...",
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1...",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_at": 1676281826
POST /logout
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
Authorization | Bearer | true | access_token for authenticate |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
N/A | N/A | N/A | return code 204 - noContent |
Usage with JWT
public function logout(Request $request)
return response()->noContent();
Usage with Session
public function logout(Request $request)
return view('auth.login');
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/logout' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1...' \
-d ''
POST /register
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
username | string | true | username for user |
password | string | true | password for user |
string | true | email for user |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
id | integer | true | id for user |
username | string | true | username for user |
string | true | email for user |
Usage with JWT
public function register(Request $request)
$rules = [];
$fields = $request->only(['username', 'password', 'email']);
$result = $this->service->register($fields, $rules, function ($entity) {
return $entity->only(['id', 'email', 'username']);
return response()->json($result);
Usage with Session
public function showRegistrationForm()
return view('auth.register');
public function register(Request $request)
$fields = $request->only(['username', 'password', 'email']);
$fields['name'] = $fields['username'];
$this->service->register($fields, [], function ($entity) {
return redirect()->intended('home');
If do you want after register, user will authenticated, Please set true for argument $setGuard as bellow
$this->service->register($fields, [], function ($entity) {
}, true);
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/register' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "user123456",
"password": "passwordRequired@123",
"email": ""
"id": 13,
"email": "",
"username": "user123456"
POST /forgot-password
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
string | true | email for user |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
ok | boolean | false | status for the request |
type | string | false | type of the request |
Make postForgotPassword function as the following:
# App\Http\Controllers\AuthController
public function postForgotPassword(Request $request)
$email = $request->email;
$status = $this->service->postForgotPassword($email, function ($token, $user) {
// Use send mail from framework
sendEmail($user, $token);
return response()->json([
'ok' => $status,
'type' => 'forgotPassword',
Make confirm function as the following:
public function confirm(Request $request)
$token = $request->token;
$status = $this->service->verifyToken($token);
return response()->json([
'ok' => $status,
Make newPassword function as the following:
# App\Http\Controllers\AuthController
public function postNewPassword(Request $request)
$params = $request->only(['password', 'token']);
$status = $this->service->changePassword($params, null, function ($user, &$attr) {
// Update attr
return response()->json([
'ok' => $status,
'type' => 'newPassword',
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/forgot-password' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"email": ""
"ok": true,
"type": "forgotPassword"
GET /confirm
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
token | string | true | Get token from email |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
ok | boolean | false | status for the request |
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost/api/confirm?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC...' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
"ok": true
POST /new-password
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
password | string | true | password for user |
token | string | true | token from user's email |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
ok | boolean | false | status for the request |
type | string | false | type of the request |
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/new-password' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"password": "passwordRequired@123",
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC..."
"ok": true,
"type": "newPassword"
POST /refresh
- Parameters
Request Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
refresh_token | string | true | refresh_token for user get access_token |
- Responses
Response Field | Field Type | Required | Field Desc |
refresh_token | string | true | refresh_token for user get access_token |
access_token | string | true | access_token for user logged |
token_type | string | true | token_type for user logged |
expires_at | integer | true | expires_at for user logged |
Make Refresh function the following:
# App\Http\Controllers\AuthController;
public function refresh(Request $request)
$token = $request->refresh_token;
$rs = $this->service->refresh($token);
return response()->json($rs);
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/api/refresh' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"refresh_token": "refresh_token_secret"
"refresh_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC...",
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1...",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_at": 1676281826
Login With Google
To use you need to install the socialiteproviders/google package via composer:
composer require socialiteproviders/google
Add configuration to config/services.php
# config/services.php
'google' => [
'client_id' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
'client_secret' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
'redirect' => env('GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI'),
Update config enabled_social is true to config/sun-asterisk.php
# config/sun-asterisk.php
| use Socialite Providers for social login
| Default false
'enabled_social' => true,
# routes/web.php
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use SunAsterisk\Auth\Contracts\AuthSocialInterface;
// Redirect Endpoint
Route::get('social/{provider}/redirect', function (Request $request) {
$provider = $request->provider;
// use service from package
return app(AuthSocialInterface::class)->socialSignIn($provider);
// Callback Endpoint
Route::get('social/{provider}/callback', function (Request $request) {
$provider = $request->provider;
// use service from package
$socialUser = app(AuthSocialInterface::class)->socialCallback($provider);
$user = \App\Models\User::updateOrCreate([
'social_id' => $socialUser->id,
'social_type' => $provider,
], [
'name' => $socialUser->name,
'email' => $socialUser->email,
'avatar' => $socialUser->avatar,
return redirect('/dashboard');
* [login]
* @param array $credentials [The user's attributes for authentication.]
* @param array|null $attributes [The attributes use for query.]
* @param callable|null $callback [The callback function has the entity model.]
* @return [array]
public function login(array $credentials = [], ?array $attributes = [], ?callable $callback = null): array;
- Validator
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function login(array $credentials = [], ?array $attributes = [], ?callable $callback = null): array
protected function loginValidator(array $data)
return Validator::make($data, [
$this->username() => 'required',
$this->passwd() => 'required',
- Find item by attribute
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function login(array $credentials = [], ?array $attributes = [], ?callable $callback = null): array
$item = $this->repository->findByAttribute($attributes);
- Compare hash password
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function login(array $credentials = [], ?array $attributes = [], ?callable $callback = null): array
if (! $item || ! Hash::check(Arr::get($credentials, $this->passwd()), $item->{$this->passwd()})) {
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'message' => $this->getFailedLoginMessage(),
- Generate accessToken & refreshToken from jwt
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function login(array $credentials = [], ?array $attributes = [], ?callable $callback = null): array
$payload = $this->jwt->make($itemArr)->toArray();
$payloadRefresh = $this->jwt->make($itemArr, true)->toArray();
$jwt = $this->jwt->encode($payload);
$refresh = $this->jwt->encode($payloadRefresh, true);
$this->tokenMapper->add($payload, $refresh);
Method login will return an array
'item' => $itemArr,
'auth' => [
'refresh_token' => 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsIn...',
'access_token' => 'eyJiwibmFtZSI6Ikpva...',
'token_type' => 'bearer',
'expires_at' => 1675742447,
is array of object user model. We can custom by callback function as follows
# App\Http\Controllers\AuthController
$rs = $this->service->login($params, [], function ($entity) {
// Custom $itemArr
return $entity->only(['id', 'email', 'username']);
BTW: Also we can change the sql query for the login flow as follows
# App\Http\Controllers\AuthController
$rs = $this->service->login(
'username' => $params['username'],
'is_active' => true, // custom query attributes
function ($entity) {
return $entity->only(['id', 'email', 'username']);
Controller->>SunGuard: 1. Logout
SunGuard->>SunJWT: 2. Revoke token & access token!
SunJWT-->>SunGuard: 3.a Throw JWT Exception
SunJWT-->>SunGuard: 3.b Successful!
SunGuard-->>Controller: 4. Successful!
- Setting Guard to service provider
# SunAsterisk\Auth\SunServiceProvider
* Extend Laravel's Auth.
* @return void
protected function extendAuthGuard(): void
$this->app['auth']->extend('sun', function ($app, $name, array $config) {
$storage = $app->make(Providers\Storage::class);
$blackList = new SunBlacklist($storage);
$jwt = new SunJWT($blackList, $app->config->get('sun-asterisk.auth'));
$tokenMapper = new SunTokenMapper($storage);
$guard = new SunGuard(
app()->refresh('request', $guard, 'setRequest');
return $guard;
- Create method logout in SunGuard
# SunAsterisk\Auth\SunGuard
* Logout the user, thus invalidating the token.
* @return void
public function logout()
try {
$token = $this->request->bearerToken();
$rawToken = $this->jwt->decode($token);
$refreshToken = $this->tokenMapper->pullRefreshToken($rawToken['jti']);
if ($refreshToken) {
$this->jwt->invalidate($refreshToken, true);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exceptions\JWTException($e->getMessage());
- Invalidate token and refreshToken
# SunAsterisk\Auth\SunJWT
public function invalidate(string $token, bool $isRefresh = false): bool
if (! $this->blackList) {
throw new Exceptions\JWTException('You must have the blacklist enabled to invalidate a token.');
$payload = $this->decode($token, $isRefresh, false);
return $this->blackList->add($payload);
* [register]
* @param array $fields [The user's attributes for register.]
* @param array $rules [The rules for register validate.]
* @param callable|null $callback [The callback function has the entity model.]
* @return [array]
public function register(array $params = [], array $rules = [], callable $callback = null): array;
- Validator
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function register(array $params = [], array $rules = [], callable $callback = null): array
if (empty($rules)) {
$rules = [
'username' => ['required', 'string', "unique:{$table}," . $this->username()],
'password' => [
if (isset($params['email'])) {
$rules['email'] = ['required', 'string', "unique:{$table},email"];
- Hash Password
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function register(array $params = [], array $rules = [], callable $callback = null): array
$params[$this->passwd()] = Hash::make($params[$this->passwd()]);
- Insert params to database
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function register(array $params = [], array $rules = [], callable $callback = null): array
$item = $this->repository->create($params);
Method register will return an array
Custom register
You can changes or validate attributes as following
# App\Http\Controllers\AuthController
public function register(Request $request)
$fields = $request->only(['password', 'email']);
// customer validate
$rules = [
'email' => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required',
$result = $this->service->register($fields, $rules);
return response()->json($result);
* [postForgotPassword]
* @param string $email [The user's email for receive token]
* @param callable|null $callback [The callback function response token & entity model.]
* @return [bool]
public function postForgotPassword(string $email, callable $callback = null): bool;
* [verifyForgotPasswordToken]
* @param string $token [The token from user's email]
* @param callable|null $callback [The callback function has the token & entity model.]
* @return [bool]
public function verifyToken(string $token, callable $callback = null): bool;
* [changePassword]
* @param array $params [The params for change password (passwd | ?old_passwd | ?token)]
* @param int|null $userId [The user's id when user authenticate.]
* @param callable|null $callback [The callback function have the entity model & pointer of users's attributes.]
* @return [bool]
public function changePassword(array $params = [], ?int $userId = null, callable $callback = null): bool;
- Verify Email
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function postForgotPassword(string $email, callable $callback = null): bool
// Validate Email
Validator::make(['email' => $email], [
'email' => ['required', 'email'],
// Check Email exists
$item = $this->repository->findByAttribute(['email' => $email]);
if (!$item) {
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'message' => 'The email is invalid.',
- Generate token
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function postForgotPassword(string $email, callable $callback = null): bool
$obj = [
'id' => $item->id,
'created_at' => Carbon::now()->timestamp,
$token = Crypt::encryptString(json_encode($obj));
- Verify token
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function verifyToken(string $token, callable $callback = null): bool
$objStr = Crypt::decryptString($token);
$obj = json_decode($objStr, true);
$diffSeconds = Carbon::now()->diffInSeconds(Carbon::createFromTimestamp($obj['created_at']));
if ($diffSeconds >= $this->config['token_expires'] * 60) {
throw new AuthException('Token is invalid!');
- Change password
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function changePassword(array $params = [], ?int $userId = null, callable $callback = null): bool
$user = null;
$attr = [];
// For usecase forgot password
if (isset($params['token'])) {
$this->verifyToken($params['token'], function ($entity) use (&$user) {
$user = $entity;
if ($user) {
$attr[$this->passwd()] = Hash::make($params[$this->passwd()]);
$this->repository->updateById($user->id, $attr);
* [refresh]
* @param string $refreshToken [refresh_token for user get access_token]
* @param callable|null $callback [The callback function has the entity model.]
* @return [array]
public function refresh(?string $refreshToken, callable $callback = null): array;
- Decode refresh token
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function refresh(?string $refreshToken, callable $callback = null): array
$payload = $this->jwt->decode($refreshToken ?: '', true);
- Compare exp time of the refresh token
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function refresh(?string $refreshToken, callable $callback = null): array
if (Carbon::createFromTimestamp($payload['exp'])->lte(Carbon::now())) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The RefreshToken is invalid.');
- Verify user exists
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function refresh(?string $refreshToken, callable $callback = null): array
$item = $this->repository->findById($sub?->id);
if (!$item) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The RefreshToken is invalid.');
- Revoke all access token
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function revoke(array $keys = []): bool
try {
return $this->jwt->revoke($keys);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exceptions\JWTException('Revoke token is wrong.');
- Re generate access token
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function refresh(?string $refreshToken, callable $callback = null): array
$payload = $this->jwt->make((array) $sub)->toArray();
$jwt = $this->jwt->encode($payload);
$this->tokenMapper->add($payload, $refreshToken);
Method refresh will return an array
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthJWTService;
public function refresh(?string $refreshToken, callable $callback = null): array
return [
'refresh_token' => 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsIn...',
'access_token' => 'eyJiwibmFtZSI6Ikpva...',
'token_type' => 'bearer',
'expires_at' => 1675742447,
* [socialSignIn]
* @param string $provider [The Provider should received from]
* @return [Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse]
public function socialSignIn(?string $provider): RedirectResponse;
* [socialCallback]
* @param string $provider [The Provider should received from]
* @return [stdClass]
public function socialCallback(?string $provider): stdClass;
- Redirect
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthSocialService
* [socialSignIn]
* @param string $provider [The Provider should received from]
* @return [Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse]
public function socialSignIn(?string $provider): RedirectResponse
try {
return Socialite::driver($provider)->redirect();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('provider is invalid!');
- Callback
# SunAsterisk\Auth\Services\AuthSocialService
* [socialCallback]
* @param string $provider [The Provider should received from]
* @return [stdClass]
public function socialCallback(?string $provider): stdClass
try {
return Socialite::driver($provider)->user();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('provider is invalid!');