Data Model (In TypeScript format here)
Rest API - Work in progress - here
- Create a (GitHub)[] account if you do not already have one.
- Log in to your GitHub account
- Go to
- Select the Fork button from the top right
- If you have not yet created a fork, you will be given that option now
- Read for instructions. This will give you a repository in your own account that synchronises from the ATO RAM repository. As you make changes, use pull requests to update the main repository. Don't forget to merge from ATO before creating a pull request back.
- If you have not yet created a fork, you will be given that option now
- Download the Github downloader/installer
- Click on
- and accept the download to save it
- Once downloaded, run the exe
- The GitHub GUI should open once install is complete
- Change shell to Bash
- Select the tool icon on the top right
- Selection Options... from the menu
- In the Default shell section, choose Git Bash
- Change shell to Bash
- While there configure your GitHub account, clone path, etc
- Close the options
- To use SourceTree for reviewing / merging pull requests, you need to modify .git/config file as described here. In short, add the following: [remote "atogov"] fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*
- Run a git bash shell
- from the GitHub GUI client
- Select the tool icon on the top right
- Selection Open in Git Shell from the menu
- curl -SLO
- ./ your-github-name
- Clones a local copy of your FORK of RAM
- Uses npm/tsd/jspm to install dependencies
- Installs MongoDB
- Installs Node 6.x.x
- Installs Visual Studio Code
- from the GitHub GUI client
- Download and install latest version of MongoDB
- Install python 2.7 and make sure it is also on the PATH
- Install NodeJs 6.x.x
- npm config set python python2.7 --global
- npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global
- Install VC++ Build Tools Technical Preview from, choose Custom Install, and select both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 SDKs.
- npm install typescript tslint eslint gulp-cli jasmine jspm -g
- cd backend; npm install
- cd frontend; npm install; jspm install
Rather than running the file above, I did things manually
- Installed git as per usual and cloned project
- Installed MongoDB
- from
- downloaded
Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later, with SSL support
- created
- opened up a command line to
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin
and ranmongod
- Installed RoboMongo to check it was working
- Installed NodeJs latest 6.x.x from (not the recommended 4.x.x)
- Installed Python 2.7 (not 3.x)
- Ran
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
- note bash shell has to be running as administrator
- Set
as a user environment variableWin-Break > Change settings > Advanced > Environment variables > New
- Variable name:
- Variable value:
Q:\<path to code>\RAM\backend\conf\conf-localhost.js
- (and make sure to restart your shell)
- Ran
./ram deps:backend
,./ram deps:frontend
,./ram db:seed
etc as per usual
Each server requires its own configuration file. Template configuration file at conf/conf.js. You must set an environment variable called RAM_CONF pointing to the absolute path of your configuration file. Once you set your RAM_CONF environment variable you can run the server by calling gulp serve.
SSH to the server
- curl -SLO
- sudo bash
- creates /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- installs NGINX
- installs Nodejs
- installs MongoDB
- creates /ram/
- runs /ram/
- downloads and unpacks latest copy of RAM from GitHub
- npm update to update dependencies
- restart RAM server
SSH to the server and run /ram/ hhhhhh where hhhhhh is the hash of the commit you want to run. It can also be a tag or branch name. If not supplied, develop is used.
From a browser run Enter a branch/tag/hash and press the appropriate button.
- Fork and clone if you haven't already. This need only be done once per developer.
- Open Git Shell
- Run ./ backend server&
- Run ./ frontend server&
- Wait patentially. Eventually a browser page will open
- For each task:
- Refresh your clone from RAM or another fork if that is the base you need.
- Repeat...
- Enable tests you want to work on.
- Run Jasmine for a service called nnnnn. If the optional describe text is provided, only the describe() that matches the text will run. Otherwise all tests in the file execute.
- If it fails, add code to one of the service actions
At the root of the project, there is a ram
script which provides a self documenting list of useful commands from setting up the environment to running the frontend/backend and executing tests. You can see the list of commands simply by executing:
Here is a list of support commands:
ram <command>
setup Setups local workstation
deps Downloads all dependencies
deps:frontend Downloads frontend dependencies
deps:backend Downloads backend dependencies
deps:test Downloads api test dependencies
deps:clean Removes node_modules and typings folders
jspm Builds the jspm dist file
feature:start Creates local and remote feature branch
feature:checkout Fetches then checks out remote feature branch
feature:finish Opens Github to manually submit pull request
feature:cancel Deletes local and remote feature branch
feature:merge:origin Merges origin/develop to current local feature branch
lint:frontend Runs lint on frontend
lint:backend Runs lint on backend
compile:frontend Runs compile on frontend
compile:backend Runs compile on backend
test:backend Runs backend tests
test:api Runs API tests
start:frontend Starts local frontend server
start:backend Starts local backend server
start:frontend-no-lint Starts local frontend server without linting
start:backend-no-lint Starts local backend server without linting
debug:backend Starts local backend server without linting and debug port open
db:seed Seeds local database
db:export Exports example data from local database
chrome Opens chrome in application mode
clean Cleans all generated files
swagger Opens browser to swagger apis on local server
staging Opens browser to staging instance
github Opens browser to github repository
wiki Opens browser to project wiki
merge:upstream <branch> Merges from upstream, <value> is branch name (eg develop)
For the test
, you can limit the test by a pattern. For example:
./ram test:backend --test relationshipType.model
You may prefer to test your service from a browser. You can then select individual tests as needed. The browser will need to include
- RAM/microservices/node_modules/ram/service/request.js
- RAM/microservices/nnnnn/spec.js
Full use has yet to be explored. For development the watch can be set to restart on file changes. To do this we need to set up environments so that it only does so on development. This is a matter of setting and using environent variable within ecosystem.json.
While using jspm, specifically jspm install
you can run into the error GitHub rate limit reached.
. This is due to
github rate limiting by IP address, which happens quite often while using Travis.
This is the recommended solution from jspm:
- login to github
- create a personal access key with the
scope - run on your computer
jspm registry config github
and enter your github login and access key - export the auth key defined after
jspm config registries.github.auth
- login to travis to your fork and create the environment variable
and set this jspm auth key
While working on the travis configuration file you can validate it using the following commands
rvm install 2.1.5
rvm gemset create ram
rvm use 2.1.5@ato-ram
gem install travis
travis lint
Creation of favicon to Alexandr Cherkinsky.
Cross browser testing using BrowserStack.
- Install plugins for Angular 2...
- Exclude folders:
- dist
- node_modules
- frontend/bower_components
- frontend/node_modules
- backend/dist
- backend/node_modules
- Add folders to Preferences > Language & Frameworks > Javascript > Libraries so that IDEA can find the resources:
- frontend/dist
- frontend/node_modules
- backend/dist
- backend/node_modules
- Node 6.1.0
- Running Mongo instance
To run locally for development:
git clone
cd RAM
./ram deps
./ram jspm
./ram db:seed
./ram start:backend
./ram start:frontend
open http://localhost:3001/dev/