Sync latest osu! beatmapsets from osu! website.
Currently, osu! Beatmap Mirror needs latest version of Windows.
git clone --recurse-submodule
cd osu-BeatmapMirror
copy storage\configs\osu!BeatmapMirror.cfg.example storage\configs\osu!BeatmapMirror.cfg
notepad storage\configs\osu!BeatmapMirror.cfg
There are dependencies for osu! Beatmap Mirror to run correctly. Please install below programs to develop or use in production.
- .NET Core 3.1 SDK:
- Docker Desktop:
- Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose exec db mysql -uroot -Dobm -e "SELECT * FROM gosu_sets \G"
type storage\logs\obm.log
dir storage\beatmapsets
docker-compose stop
docker-compose down -v
- Bot: Sync beatmapsets automatically.
- Manager: Schedule Bot to run periodically and let osu! users register a beatmapset manually.
- osu: osu! client that is customized for osu! Beatmap Mirror. Parse a metadata of beatmap.
- Summary: Deprecated. Summarize downloads count of a beatmapset.
- Utility: Common functions.